Arterial Diseases
- Leads to CAD, MI, Stroke, PVD
- Forms Fibrofatty Lesions
- Risks: High LDL, low HDL, Age >45 men, cig smoking, family history, HTN, diabetes, obesity, stress
Fours Steps for Formation
- Endothelial Cell Injury
- Dysfunctional, dont produce:
- Nitric oxide
- Prostocyclin
- Migrations of Inflammatory Cells
- They also injure vascular endothelium
- LDL Oxidation
- Foam Cells
- Plaque Formation
- Necrotic Core
- Myocardial Ischemia
- Weakening of BV walls- aneurysm, stroke
- Process of LDL and HDL
- Diet, obesity, family history, age, drugs, alcohol, OC, diseases
Familial Hypercholesterolemia
- Lack of:
- LDL Receptors
- Apoprotein
- Leads of Xanthomas
- Diet, weight loss, smoking, exercise, control BS
Drug Therapy
- Statins
- HMG CoA Reductase
- Ezetimibe
- Decreases Chylomicron Production
- Bile Acid Sequestrants
- Bile in Feces
- Highest probably: Aorta and Heart Walls after M.I.
- Atherosclerosis
- Marfans Syndrome
True Aneurysm( all three layers affected)
- Fusiform Circumferential
- Fusiform Saccular (Berry)
False Aneurysm
- Blood Clot
Dissecting Aneurysm
- Cut in the wall of vessel contained by conn. tissue
Thoracic Aneurysm
- More Symptoms bc of tight cavity
- Neck, back shoulder pain
- Dysphagia, dyspnea
Abdominal Aneurysm
- Impaired blood flow/return
- Less symptoms bc loose intestines
Cerebral Aneurysm
- Headache, more cranial presure
- Asymptomatic
- Body compensates: Low CO
Reduce BP
- Maintain BV, good diet
- Stop Smoking
Surgical Repair
- Grafting/ wrapping
- Clipping/coiling
Inflamm. Diseases
Polyarteritis Nodosa
- inflammation nodes in small/med. vessels
- Cause: Unknown
- Drug abusers meth, cocaine, heroin
- Symptoms: Abrupt onset, anorexia, weight loss, NVD, organ effect
- Treatment:
- Corticosteriods
- Immunosuppresion
Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis
- Most common and most in elderly
- Cause: Unknown....autoimmune
- Effects large arteries branching off the aortic arch
- Opthalmic, Temporal, Vertebral
- Multinucleated Giant Cells
- Manifestations
- HA
- Blurred Vision
- 10% Aortic Aneurysm
- 50% Polymyalgia
- muscle pain, join and deep pain
- Treatment:
- High Dose Corticosteriods
Thromboangiitis Obliterans(Buerger Disease)
- Occurs in young "heavy smokers" men
- Inflammation of peripheral arteries
- vasospasm
- thrombus formation
- obliterate function of small/medium arteries
- Cause: Unknown
- Manifestations:
- pain, tenderness
- sluggish blood flow
- Ischemia, hypoxia
- skin and nails"thin"
- gangrene if severe.
- Txt:
- stop smoking
- vasodilators
- corticosteriods
Raynauds Diseases/Phenomenon
- uncontrolled vasospasm of small arteries in extremities
- Phenomenon: worst type and damage to nerves around injuries
Disease: occurs in healthy young women exposed to stress/cold
- Possible Cause: overactivation of SNS
- Vasoplastic angina- in healthy indivi. exposed to cold/stress
- numbness, tingling
- ischemia, cyanosis, rubor
- brittle skins and nails, gangrene/ulcer if severe
- Vasodilators
- Sympathetic Denervation
- CCB, Alpha Blocker
- Avoid: stress/cold
Venous Diseases
Venous Thrombosis
Blood clot caused by:
- Injury, surgery
- Stasis of blood, immobility
- Hypercoaguability, atherosclero.
Embolism: traveling clot
Common Causes:
- Thrombus, bacteria
- Fat, air, ccells
DVT (more common and dangerous)
- asymptomatic but visible
- swelling, edema, pain
- Thrombolytics
- Anti-coag.
Can be prevented by:
- Vitamin K
- Warfarin
- Aspirin
Varicose Veins
- Effects large veins of leg
- Prolonged standing (pharm.)
- pregnancy
- obesity
- Painful, unsightly
- Swelling, edema
- Not serious but could lead to chronic venous insuff.(dangerous)
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
- Failure of "venous valves" to close
- competent valves are vital for movement of blood
- Patients with longterm pull
- chronic distention of veins
- Trauma to valves
Change to tissue:
- Ischemia, accum. of wastes, hypoxia
- Statis Dermatitis and Ulcers
- Marked Edema on feet
- Poor Healing
- Elastic Stockings
- Avoid Standing, elevate feet
- cosmetic for varicose veins