1. Part 1
    1. What does Michael do wrong in the very beginning of meeting?
      1. tried to take over
    2. What was the facilitator's name?
      1. Mr.Brown
    3. What does HERO stand for?
      1. H
        1. Honesty
      2. E
        1. Empathy
      3. R
        1. Respect
      4. O
        1. Open-mindedness
    4. Who's routine (comedian) was offensive to the office?
      1. Chris Rock
  2. Part 2
    1. What did Michael learn?
      1. nothing
    2. Why was Mr. Brown there to teach?
      1. to get Michael's signature
    3. What name did Michael sign with?
      1. Daffy Duck
  3. Part 3
    1. What is supposed to be offense about Mexican?
    2. What was Michael trying to stir up?
    3. Did Michael deserve to be slapped? Why or Why not?
  4. Part 4
    1. What is Michael's main problem?