1. Monday
    1. Email for garden work
    2. Career day-Leah 1030
  2. Tuesday
    1. 1600 - Vidhi (Aanya)
    2. Call Turkish embassy
  3. Wednesday
    1. Career day - Nitin 1030
  4. Thursday
    1. Lead Teacher Meeting
    2. Thursday / sound n show
      1. Show n sound
        1. Email parents sound of the week
        2. Reset sign at door
      2. Log tracking
      3. Get Malathi’s notes
        1. Log in tracking
  5. Friday
    1. Specials
    2. Fridays / specials
      1. Email sightwords
      2. Log tracking
        1. Print tracking pages
          1. Culture/science for circle
          2. Sensorial/language/math for work cycle reference
      3. Upload weekly photos
        1. From photos to file to TC
          1. Tag pics in TC
      4. Meet with room teachers
    3. 1330 meeting w/ Sharon
  6. Week of 6-10
  7. Wed, Tue, Wed - Circle Lessons, Presentations, Bday Circles, Visitors
  8. work till 3