1. celebrating
  2. Permaculture= Crisis Proof Societies
  3. planning
  4. doing
  5. Observe and Interact
  6. Integrate rather than segregate
  7. Discerning wisdom
    1. Results for individual
  8. Aquiring new skills
  9. dreaming
  10. use & value renewable resources/services
  11. Design from patterns to details
  12. creatively use & respond to change
    1. use edges and value the marginal
  13. Catch and store energy
  14. obtain a yield
  15. Apply self regulation & accept feedback
  16. use small and slow solutions
  17. use & value diversity
  18. use edges & value the marginal
  19. produce no waste
  20. Management & Administration
  21. Implementation
  22. Monitoring progress
  23. Gathering INFO
  24. Motivation
  25. Awareness
  26. Considering Alternatives
  27. Design Strategy
  28. test or trial