1. orientation
    1. What country are all these in?
    2. China
    3. DPRK
    4. ROK
    5. Japan
    6. Taiwan
      1. sticky political situation
  2. China: Complicated
    1. Mao Zedong
      1. 1949: Mao becomes head of chinese state
        1. People's Republic of China
      2. Post-1949: Great Leap Forward
        1. melt all the shovels into steel
        2. everyone starves
      3. Post-1949: Cultural Revolution
        1. boot out the ideology of capital
      4. 1976: Mao dies.
      5. 1979: China opens to international capitalism
    2. Autonomous Regions
      1. Tibet is on of these allegedly autonomous regions
      2. Xinjiang
      3. Ningxia
      4. Guangxi
      5. Inner Mongolia
      6. What that means is another question
    3. Taiwan
      1. Japanese colony
      2. Formosa former portugese westernization
      3. Is it a seperate country?
      4. Language
        1. Taiwanese
        2. Mandarin Chinese widely spoken
      5. Pop. Density
        1. High on coasts
        2. High in cities
      6. 1949: Mao rises to power, nationalist Chinese power brokers fled to Taiwan
      7. Extremely Tense, Volatile relationship with China
      8. the United States recognized Republic of China for a few years before PRC
      9. Economics
        1. Major financial center of the world
        2. Major manufactoring
    4. Hong Kong
      1. part of mainland china
      2. British Colony for over a century
      3. 1997: China takes over Hong Kong
      4. Economics
        1. Fully capitalist
        2. major financial center of the world
  3. Geopolitics and Environment
    1. Population
      1. Dense? No.
      2. But where people live, they live very densely
      3. Extraordinarily concentrated people
      4. 1.3 Billion folks
    2. Industrialization
      1. China is going through this process with a billion people
      2. 50 new coal factories per year
      3. 1 new coal factory per week
      4. Sulfer levels in Chinese diesel are astronomical
    3. Pop. of USA
      1. 1850
        1. 23 mil
      2. 1890
        1. 63 mil
      3. 1920
        1. 100 mil
    4. Japan
      1. physically quite small
      2. influence and money, extremely large
      3. Japan can afford to send all their pollution to poorer countries
      4. Tsunami
        1. Cultural Landscape
          1. Nuclear danger
          2. Nuclear danger is part of the cultural landscape of Japan
          3. Cultural landscape
          4. economically powerful
          5. they have these powerful tools
    5. Three Gorges Dam
      1. completed 2006
      2. Displacement
        1. 1 million people moved forcibly.
      3. Environment
        1. aquatic species
        2. plant and animal species
        3. soil erosion
      4. Film recco: Up the Yangtze (2007)
  4. Korean Peninusula: Division and Conflict
    1. Sino-Japanese War (1894)
      1. Dynastic China and Empiral Japan
      2. Japan wins, controls Korea until WW2
      3. 1948: Post WWII split
        1. divided between support for Soviet Union and the United States
      4. DPRK
      5. ROK
        1. tha rock
    2. Geopolitical conflict
      1. Korean War
        1. 1950-1953
        2. North invades South
        3. United States, United Nations intervene
        4. This war is only been ceased
        5. DMZ is most heavily armed area in the world
          1. Panmunjom
          2. village in the DMZ
          3. you are not allowed to take any photos of the DMZ
          4. JSA
          5. Shared area of DMZ for talkin, shittin'
    3. Vice Guide to DPRK
      1. DPRK does not want anyone murkying their homogenous society
      2. 2 mil soldiers on DPRK side
      3. 500k soldiers on ROK side
      4. Tunnels built by DPRK to avoid the mine fields
      5. United Nations cartoons and barbed wire
      6. The barracks are shared 50% DPRK and 50% ROK
      7. DPRK indoctunates
      8. ROK indocturnates
      9. DPRK built these giant concrete monuments that are tank barriers
      10. Panmujumn
        1. DPRK and UN signed peace treaty.
        2. All DPRK mouth pieces are based around how they defeated the Americans
        3. Re-unify Korea