1. Camera
    1. Position
      1. relative to current position - 0,2 sec
      2. camera movement is iterpolated
    2. Target
      1. camera target on player
      2. camera target mid-way between player and pointer
  2. CPS
  3. Player
    1. Movement
      1. Jumping
      2. Movement speed
        1. Weight of equipment
        2. Healt level
        3. Direction
          1. Forward
          2. Sprint mode
          3. Normal mode
          4. Sneak / silent mode?
          5. Sideways
          6. Backward
      3. Rotation
    2. Physics
      1. Ineratia
      2. Gravity
      3. Friction
      4. Collision
      5. Character attributes
        1. health
        2. equipment weight
        3. current actions
  4. Equipment
  5. Menu
  6. Weapons
    1. Weapon categories
      1. Pistols
        1. Proto_pistol 1
      2. SMGs
        1. Proto_SMG_1
      3. Rifles
      4. Mortars
      5. Launchers
      6. Grenades
    2. Changing weapons
    3. Reloading
    4. test broni w tabeli
      1. Topic
        1. damage
        2. fire rate
        3. Subtopic 3
      2. pistol
      3. SMG
  7. Combat
    1. Shooting direction
      1. horizontal direction
      2. vertical direction
    2. Fire spread