1. unemployment
    1. causes
      1. limited jobs in agriculture and allied areas
      2. population explosion
      3. development of education
      4. use of machines
        1. agriculture
        2. industries
    2. reduction measures by govt
      1. Five year plans
        1. 2 FY 1 crore
        2. 10 FY 1 crore
      2. 1979 - Rural Youth Employment Program
      3. 1980 - National rural employment program (NREP)
      4. 1983- Rural Landless Employment guarantee program
        1. 100 days work
      5. 1989 - Jawahar Rozgar Yojna
        1. financial assistance to rural areas
      6. 1997- Self Employment program
        1. urban poor
    3. measures to be done
      1. development of cottage and small scale industries
      2. vocational and technical education
      3. population control
      4. scientific methods in cultivation to improve employment
      5. Entrepreneur encouragement
  2. Population
    1. number of people in an area
    2. need
      1. run govt
      2. defend country
      3. work
        1. farms
        2. industries
    3. population explosion
      1. causes
        1. high birth rate
          1. early marriages
        2. low death rate
          1. better medical care
        3. illiteracy
        4. poor believe more children better income
        5. male child
      2. consequences
        1. poverty
        2. price rise
        3. unemployment
        4. poor economic development
        5. environmental pollution
        6. unhygenic conditions
      3. remedial measures
        1. increase marriageable age
        2. expand education to include small family norm
        3. rural areas- family planning propaganda
        4. population education in school
        5. social outlook change
          1. more children
          2. male children
    4. population in 2001
      1. India
        1. male 53 crores
        2. female 49.5 crores
        3. total 103 crores
        4. 1/3 below poverty line
      2. tamilnadu
        1. male 3.12 crore
        2. female 3.08 crore
        3. total 6.2 crore
  3. poverty
    1. poverty line
      1. poor - 1/3
        1. rural
        2. urban
      2. rich
    2. impact
      1. health
      2. efficiency
      3. low production
      4. weak economic growth
    3. causes
      1. population explosion
      2. price rise
      3. low income
      4. unemployment
      5. illiteracy
    4. remedial measures (Poverty alleviation program)
      1. ten five year plans
        1. increase production
          1. agricultural
          2. industrial
        2. increase individual income
        3. increase employment
      2. 1975 - 20 point program
        1. attack rural poverty
      3. jawahar employment scheme
  4. Price Rise (inflation)
    1. gap between production and demand results in price rise
    2. causes
      1. population explosion
      2. low productivity in agriculture
      3. increased govt expenditure
      4. monsoon failure
      5. hoarding, smuggling and black marketing
    3. remedial measures
      1. 1 FY
        1. agriculture - food supply increase
      2. 2 FY
        1. industrial production