Free enterprise
- capitalism
- all resources privatly owned
how it works
- manufacturers react to consumer's needs and wants
- minimum amount of factors of production
- those who supply factors of production get the benefit
- competitive
- effient use of resources
- choice
- uneven distribution of wealth
- exploitation of labour
social costs
- destruction of landscape
- air polution
Centrally planned system
public ownership
- resources
- production
how it works
government controls
- economic activity
Central planners
- allocate resources for goods
- fix quantities
- set price
- economic dev can be achieved faster
- government can begin heavy industry
planners cannot predict consumers' needs and wants
- shortages
- Soviet Union
workers' motivation reduced
- lower output per person
Mixed economies
Government gets involved
Indicative planning
negotiates with
- trade unions
- industry reps
- employer reps
- unemployed reps
some results
- nationsl wage agreements
- plans for economic dev
- eg
- Towards 2016
- national dev plan
- transport 21
Fiscal policy
- taxation
- government spending
monetary policy
- interest rates
- borrowing
- european central bank
- central bank