1. Culture
  2. Research
    1. Platform for Endeavor
      1. Theoretical knowledge
        1. reading important ideas, concepts and paradigms
      2. Case Knowledge
        1. professionals’ experiences
      3. Practical Knowledge
        1. field experiences
      4. Modernism
        1. empirical
      5. Empirical knowledge
        1. intentionally designed and controlled
          1. Qualitative
          2. Quantitative
          3. Scientific Method
          4. Hypothesis
          5. Variables
          6. Independent
          7. Dependent
          8. Testing
          9. Controlling Errors
          10. Sampling
          11. Hawthorne Effect
          12. History
          13. Maturation
          14. Instrumentation
          15. Statistical errors
          16. Experimenter bias
          17. Conclusions
  3. Constructivism
    1. Agency
      1. the ability to make a decision and act on it
        1. Giambattista Vico
          1. Verbally explaining a problem does not lead to understanding
        2. Ernst Von Glasersfeld
          1. One knows a thing only when one can tell what components it consists of
        3. George Mead
          1. Self is gained through perspective of others
        4. Lev Vygotsky
          1. Habits are learned through culture
        5. Jean Piaget
          1. Constructivist Epistemology
          2. What guides intellectual growth and biological development
          3. Adaptation
          4. Organization
        6. Albert Bandura
          1. Social Cognitive Theory
          2. People learn by observing others
          3. environment
          4. behavior
          5. cognition
    2. Self Regulation
    3. Constructivism in Learning Theory
      1. real-world environments
      2. multiple perspectives and interrelatedness
      3. internally controlled and mediated by learner
      4. Understanding is indexed by experience
      5. Collaborative construction
  4. Language/Literacy
    1. Neurophysiology of Language
    2. Wood
      1. Language Acquisition
        1. outline
          1. Prespeech
          2. Holophrase
          3. two-word utterances
          4. multi-word sentences
        2. Structure
          1. Phonology
          2. syntax
          3. "me gusta agua!"
          4. semantics
          5. Pragmatics
    3. Lev Vygotsky’s
      1. cognitive development is dependent on human influence
        1. Intermental
        2. Intramental
      2. Functions of Speech
        1. Social Speech
        2. Ego-centric speech
        3. Inner Speech
      3. Educational Implications
    4. Noam Chomsky
      1. Universal Grammar
    5. Elizabeth Bates
      1. Competition Model
  5. Intelligence/Memory
    1. Memory
      1. Working Memory
      2. The Sensory Register
      3. Short Term Memory
        1. Hippocampus
          1. Long Term Memory
          2. Declarative Memory
          3. Semantic Memory
          4. Episodic memory
    2. Intelligence
      1. Howard Gardner
        1. Theory of Multiple Intelligences
          1. Linguistic
          2. Musical
          3. Logical
          4. Spatial
          5. Bodily
          6. Interpersonal
          7. Intrapersonal
          8. Naturalist
      2. Dr. Robert J. Sternberg
        1. Triarchic Mind
          1. Analytic
          2. Creative
          3. Practical
  6. Motivation
    1. Bernard Weiner
      1. attributions to success and failure
        1. Is The...
          1. Cause
          2. Unstable
          3. Stable
          4. Cause
          5. Internal
          6. External
          7. Cause
          8. Controllable
          9. Uncontrollable
    2. M.V.Covington
      1. Topic
    3. Edward Deci
      1. Self-Determination Theory
        1. High autonomy
        2. Low autonomy
      2. Taxonomy of Human Motivation
        1. Extrinsic Motivation
          1. Amotivation
          2. External Regulation
          3. Introjection
          4. Identification
          5. Integration
          6. Intrinsic Motivation
      3. Teaching Styles
        1. Highly controlling
        2. Somewhat controlling
        3. Somewhat autonomy
        4. Highly autonomy
    4. Carol Dweck
      1. Motivation/Intelligence Theory
        1. Intelligence vs. Motivation
  7. Learning Theory
    1. Learning - Experience causes a relatively permanent change in an individual’s knowledge or behavior
      1. Classical Conditioning
        1. Ivan Pavlov
          1. Stages of Classical Conditioning
          2. Higher Order Conditioning
      2. Operant Conditioning
        1. B.F. Skinner
          1. Behavior Modification: Increasing or decreasing responses
          2. Stimulus > Response > Stimulus
          3. Discriminating Stimulus
          4. Reinforcer
          5. Primary
          6. Secondary
          7. Positive Reinforcement
          8. Negative Reinforcement
          9. Punishment
          10. Type I
          11. Type II