1. Focus areas
    1. Promote healthy living
      1. Business objectives
        1. Self management of health
        2. Lifestyle intervention
      2. Example projects
        1. Motiavate active personal lifestyles
        2. Metabolic health
    2. Support active ageing
      1. Business objectives
        1. Wokrplace interventions
        2. Overcoming funciontional loss
      2. Example projects
        1. Ageing with a healthy brain
        2. Mobility and independence throughout life
    3. Improve heealthcare
      1. Business objectives
        1. Improveing healthcare systems
        2. Treating and managing chronic deseases
      2. Example projects
        1. Personalised oncology and integrated cancer care
        2. Sustainable consinuum of care to support active living in Europe
  2. Partnership
    1. 130+ leading organizations
    2. Types
      1. Pharma
      2. MedTech
      3. payers
      4. Resaerach institutions
      5. Universities
    3. Types
      1. 50 core partners
        1. Invovlement on the management
        2. pay more
      2. 80 associated partners
  3. European reach
    1. 6 co-location centres
      1. London
      2. Scotkcholm
      3. Rotterdam
      4. Mannheim
      5. Paris
      6. Barcelona
    2. 6 InnoStarts
      1. Croatia
      2. Hungary
      3. Poland
      4. Portugal
      5. Solvenia
      6. Wales
  4. Key achievements
    1. Formally established
      1. KIC LE
      2. On time
    2. CLCs and Innostars
      1. Set-up
      2. All ready by the end 2015
    3. Built a strong portfolio of activities
      1. Selected 23 innovation projects
      2. Launch on an Accelerator
      3. Campus portfolio
        1. Developed
        2. STELLAR approach
    4. Communication
      1. Branding
      2. Communication activities
    5. Summer School
      1. IESE
      2. Trinity College Dublin
    6. Management team
      1. On going
      2. CEO appointed
      3. CLCs Directors
      4. Education director
      5. Innovation director
    7. Relationships
      1. European Commission
      2. EIT
  5. Process for selecion
    1. Call for EIT projects
      1. Approach
        1. Health challenges
        2. Strategic goals
        3. Evaluation criteria
      2. Output
        1. Evaluation criteria
        2. Proposed projects
          1. Ideas
          2. Design
    2. Project selection
      1. Meeting
        1. Experts
          1. 40 experts
          2. 3 areas of activities
          3. Assesing ERC grants
          4. Experts from industry
          5. Assesing scientific part
          6. Experts from healthcare sector
          7. Industry capacity
        2. Elegibility meeting
      2. Approach
        1. Get all projects elegible
      3. Output
        1. List of projects
        2. Reduced
    3. Apply decision framework per project
      1. Approach
        1. A Level projects
        2. B Level projects
        3. C Level projects
      2. Output
        1. Decision
          1. Multi-dimensional
          2. Framework
        2. Initial selection
          1. Assesment
          2. Ranking
      3. Meetings
        1. External reviews
        2. Consensus meeting
    4. Optimize project portfolio
      1. Projects selected and funded
      2. Approach
        1. Project hearings
          1. 30 minutes to present
          2. 66% A Level projects
          3. 33% B Level projects
        2. Project porfolio
      3. Output
        1. Project portfolio
          1. Adjusted
          2. Combined
          3. Balanced
        2. Pre-selection of project porfolio
      4. Meetings
        1. Hearings
        2. Portfolio meeting
    5. Approve portfolio
      1. Approach
        1. Strategic challenges
          1. % Achievement
          2. Treshold
        2. Risk
        3. Net Present Value
      2. Output
        1. Project selection
        2. Decision
        3. Communication
    6. End
  6. Integration of Knowledge Triangle in projects (i.e. EIT rare cancer KPIs)
    1. Internal
      1. Management KPIs
        1. 3 EIT Members
          1. Industry
          2. Academy
          3. Research
        2. 3 CLC
        3. 1 Innostar
      2. Financial KPIs
        1. €200K KAVA
        2. € 7.5 KCA
    2. External
      1. Education KPIs
        1. 12 innovation fellowships
        2. 120 trained professionals
        3. 10 industry-academy exchange
        4. 1 rare cancer MOOC
        5. 20 Open courses modules
      2. Business/Innovation KPIs
        1. 100 ideas
        2. 3 Startups
        3. 5 services piloted
        4. 10 launched
        5. 5 products launched
        6. 20 knowledge transfer
        7. 6 employee
        8. € 10M capital attracted
      3. Communication KPIs
        1. Website
        2. Social media impact
        3. Events
        4. Press coverage
        5. Media audience
  7. Education
    1. Not only higher education
    2. Professional education
    3. Vocational education
  8. Activity pyramid
    1. Campus
      1. Aim to
        1. Individuals
        2. Young talents
        3. Health professionals
        4. Entrepreneurs
      2. Projects
        1. Summer school
        2. Fellowship
    2. Accelerator
      1. Business plan competitions
      2. Business creation services
    3. Projects
  9. Milestones
    1. Dec 2014: Winning a bid at EIT
    2. Aug 2015: EIT Health e.V. registered
    3. Sept 2015
      1. CEO Appointed
      2. Business plan ready (2016)
      3. Strategic Agenda ready (3 eyars)
      4. Submission to EIT for approval
        1. Business plan
        2. Strategic agenda
    4. Management team on board
    5. End december 2015 a full organisation
      1. All CLC have their directors and legal entities
      2. Education director
      3. Directors of innovation business creation
    6. Full speed at first of January
      1. Subtema 1