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  2. 42 USC § 11313(a) Duties The Council shall—
    1. 42 USC § 11313(a)(1) not later than 12 months after May 20, 2009, develop, make available for public comment, and submit to the President and to Congress a National Strategic Plan to End Homelessness, and shall update such plan annually;
    2. 42 USC § 11313(a)(2) review all Federal activities and programs to assist homeless individuals;
    3. 42 USC § 11313(a)(3) take such actions as may be necessary to reduce duplication among programs and activities by Federal agencies to assist homeless individuals;
    4. 42 USC § 11313(a)(4) monitor, evaluate, and recommend improvements in programs and activities to assist homeless individuals conducted by Federal agencies, State and local governments, and private voluntary organizations;
    5. 42 USC § 11313(a)(5) provide professional and technical assistance (by not less than 5, but in no case more than 10, regional coordinators employed by the Council, each having responsibility for interaction and coordination of the activities of the Council within the 10 standard Federal regions) to States, local governments, and other public and private nonprofit organizations, in order to enable such governments and organizations to—
      1. 42 USC § 11313(a)(5)(A) interpret regulations and assist in the application process for Federal assistance, including grants;
      2. 42 USC § 11313(a)(5)(B) provide assistance on the ways in which Federal programs, other than those authorized under this chapter, may best be coordinated to complement the objectives of this chapter;
      3. 42 USC § 11313(a)(5)(C) develop recommendations and program ideas based on regional specific issues in serving the homeless population; and
      4. 42 USC § 11313(a)(5)(D) establish a schedule for biennial regional workshops to be held by the Council in each of the 10 standard Federal regions to further carry out and provide the assistance described in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) and other appropriate assistance as necessary, of which— (i) not less than 5 such workshops shall be held by September 30, 1989; and (ii) at least 1 such workshop shall be held in each of the 10 Federal regions every 2 years, beginning on September 30, 1988;
    6. 42 USC § 11313(a)(6) encourage the creation of State Interagency Councils on Homelessness and the formulation of jurisdictional 10-year plans to end homelessness at State, city, and county levels;
    7. 42 USC § 11313(a)(7) annually obtain from Federal agencies their identification of consumer-oriented entitlement and other resources for which persons experiencing homelessness may be eligible and the agencies’ identification of improvements to ensure access; develop mechanisms to ensure access by persons experiencing homelessness to all Federal, State, and local programs for which the persons are eligible, and to verify collaboration among entities within a community that receive Federal funding under programs targeted for persons experiencing homelessness, and other programs for which persons experiencing homelessness are eligible, including mainstream programs identified by the Government Accountability Office in the reports entitled “Homelessness: Coordination and Evaluation of Programs Are Essential”, issued February 26, 1999, and “Homelessness: Barriers to Using Mainstream Programs”, issued July 6, 2000;
    8. 42 USC § 11313(a)(8) conduct research and evaluation related to its functions as defined in this section;
    9. 42 USC § 11313(a)(9) [1] develop joint Federal agency and other initiatives to fulfill the goals of the agency;
    10. 42 USC § 11313(a)(9) [1] collect and disseminate information relating to homeless individuals;
    11. 42 USC § 11313(a)(10) prepare the annual reports required in subsection (c)(2) of this section;
    12. 42 USC § 11313(a)(11) prepare and distribute to States (including State contact persons), local governments, and other public and private nonprofit organizations, a bimonthly bulletin that describes the Federal resources available to them to assist the homeless, including current information regarding application deadlines and appropriate persons to contact in each Federal agency providing the resources;
    13. 42 USC § 11313(a)(12) develop constructive alternatives to criminalizing homelessness and laws and policies that prohibit sleeping, feeding, sitting, resting, or lying in public spaces when there are no suitable alternatives, result in the destruction of a homeless person’s property without due process, or are selectively enforced against homeless persons; and
    14. 42 USC § 11313(a)(13) not later than the expiration of the 6-month period beginning upon completion of the study requested in a letter to the Acting Comptroller General from the Chair and Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee and several other members regarding various definitions of homelessness in Federal statutes, convene a meeting of representatives of all Federal agencies and committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate having jurisdiction over any Federal program to assist homeless individuals or families, local and State governments, academic researchers who specialize in homelessness, nonprofit housing and service providers that receive funding under any Federal program to assist homeless individuals or families, organizations advocating on behalf of such nonprofit providers and homeless persons receiving housing or services under any such Federal program, and homeless persons receiving housing or services under any such Federal program, at which meeting such representatives shall discuss all issues relevant to whether the definitions of “homeless” under paragraphs (1) through (4) of section 11302 (a) of this title, as amended by section 1003 of the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009, should be modified by the Congress, including whether there is a compelling need for a uniform definition of homelessness under Federal law, the extent to which the differences in such definitions create barriers for individuals to accessing services and to collaboration between agencies, and the relative availability, and barriers to access by persons defined as homeless, of mainstream programs identified by the Government Accountability Office in the two reports identified in paragraph (7) of this subsection; and shall submit transcripts of such meeting, and any majority and dissenting recommendations from such meetings, to each committee of the House of Representatives and the Senate having jurisdiction over any Federal program to assist homeless individuals or families not later than the expiration of the 60-day period beginning upon conclusion of such meeting.
      1. PRESIDENT
        1. Olmsted County
          1. Commissioner Ken Brown
        1. Stearns County
          1. Commissioner Leigh Lenzmeier
      3. SECRETARY
        1. Carver County
          1. Commissioner Randy Maluchnik
      4. TREASURER
        1. Sherburne County
          1. Commissioner Felix Schmiesing
      5. Anoka County
        1. Commissioner Dan Erhart
        2. Commissioner Carol LeDoux
      6. Benton County
        1. Commissioner Earl “Butch” Bukowski
        2. Commissioner Joseph (Joe) Wollak
      7. Blue Earth County
        1. Commissioner Kip Bruender
        2. Commissioner Mark Piepho
      8. Carver County
        1. Commissioner Gayle Degler
        2. Commissioner Randy Maluchnik
      9. Dakota County
        1. Commissioner Kathleen Gaylord
        2. Commissioner Joseph Harris
      10. Olmsted County
        1. Commissioner Ken Brown
        2. Commissioner Dave Perkins
      11. Rice County
        1. Commissioner Jeff Docken
        2. Commissioner Jake Gillen
      12. Scott County
        1. Commissioner Dave Menden
        2. Commissioner Jon Ulrich
      13. Sherburne County
        1. Commissioner Felix Schmiesing
        2. Commissioner Ewald Petersen
      14. St. Louis County
        1. Commissioner Steve Raukar
        2. Commissioner Chris Dahlberg
      15. Stearns County
        1. Commissioner Leigh Lenzmeier
        2. Commissioner DeWayne Mareck
      16. Washington County
        1. Commissioner Gary Kriesel
        2. Commissioner Dennis Hegberg
      17. Winona County
        1. Commissioner Marcia Ward
        2. Commissioner Mena Kaehler
    1. Keith Carlson, Executive Director: Taxation and Finance, General Government, Environment and Personnel Issues Keithc@mica.org
    2. Nancy Silesky: Public Health, Human Services nsilesky@chestnutcambronne.com
    3. Steve Novak: Transportation, and Capital Budget
    4. John Tuma: Public Safety and Corrections and Risk Managers jtuma@charter.net
        1. M.A.G.I.C. https://drive.google.com/?usp=chrome_app#folders/0B6B82KE0kaD6WjlVdlh0emlBM28
          1. SCHOOLS https://drive.google.com/?usp=chrome_app#folders/0B6B82KE0kaD6UlRtaVVIaG4yT2c
    5. Mari Guardini: Secretary/Office Manager mari@mica.org
  5. MICA Strategic Mission Statement
  6. MICA/AMC District 10 Fiscal Contact List
    1. www.mica.org_fiscal_contact.pdf
    1. 42 USC § 11311. Establishment There is established in the executive branch an independent establishment to be known as the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness whose mission shall be to coordinate the Federal response to homelessness and to create a national partnership at every level of government and with the private sector to reduce and end homelessness in the nation while maximizing the effectiveness of the Federal Government in contributing to the end of homelessness.
      1. SCOPE & PURPOSE
    2. 42 USC § 11312. Membership
    3. 42 USC § 11313. Functions
    4. 42 USC § 11314. Director and staff
    5. 42 USC § 11315. Powers
    6. 42 USC § 11316. Transfer of functions
    7. 42 USC § 11317. Definitions
      1. 42 U.S. CODE § 11317 - DEFINITIONS For purposes of this subchapter: (1) The term “Council” means the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness established in section 11311 of this title. (2) The term “Federal agency” has the meaning given the term “agency” in section 551 (1) of title 5.
        1. 5 USC § 551 (1) “agency” means each authority of the Government of the United States, whether or not it is within or subject to review by another agency, but does not include— (A) the Congress; (B) the courts of the United States; (C) the governments of the territories or possessions of the United States; (D) the government of the District of Columbia; or except as to the requirements of section 552 of this title— (E) agencies composed of representatives of the parties or of representatives of organizations of the parties to the disputes determined by them; (F) courts martial and military commissions; (G) military authority exercised in the field in time of war or in occupied territory; or (H) functions conferred by sections 1738, 1739, 1743, and 1744 of title 12; subchapter II of chapter 471 of title 49; or sections 1884, 1891–1902, and former section 1641 (b)(2), of title 50, appendix;
    8. 42 USC § 11318. Authorization of appropriations
    9. 42 USC § 11319. Termination
    10. 42 USC § 11320. Encouragement of State involvement
  8. MAP #MICA: THIS IS A COMPLEX CASE EXHIBIT #VISUAL AID #110 Olmsted County district court file #55-F9-05-1712 Winona County district court file #85-CV-10-1935