- Standard 1: ELLs communicate for social, intercultural,
and instructional purposes within the school setting.
Standard 3: ELLs communicate information,
ideas, and concepts necessary for
academic success in the area of mathematics.
- Four Domains
- Standard 4: ELLs communicate information, ideas,
and concepts necessary for academic
success in the area of science
- Standard 5: ELLs communicate information, ideas,
and concepts necessary for academic success
in the area of social studies.
- Listening
- Speaking
- Reading
- Writing
- Emerging
- Developing
- Expanding
- Bridging
- Five levels of Proficiency
- Starting
- Standard 2: ELLs communicate information, ideas,
and concepts language arts.
- Stage 1: Kindergarten
- Stage 2: grades 1-2
- Stage 3: grades 3-5
- Stage 4: grades 6-8
- Stage 5: grades 9-12
- Domains & Strand
- Listening & Speaking
- Reading
- Writing
- Language
- Standard 1: Comprehension of oral communications
Standard 2: Delivery of oral communications
- Standard 1: Print Concepts
Standard 2: Phonemic Awareness/Decoding
Standard 3: Standard Fluency(Stage 1 does not have this Standard)
Standard 4: Comprehension of Text
- Standard 1: Writing Applications
Standard 2: Standard English Conventions
Standard 3: Writing Process
Standard 4: Writing Elements(Stage 1 does not have this Standard)
Standard 5: Research (Stage 1 does not have this Standard)
- Standard 1: Standard English Conventions
Standard 2: Vocabulary
- Proficiency levels
- Pre-emergent
- Emergent
- Basic
- Low intermediate
- High intermediate
- Proficient
- Teaching strategy:
- Teaching strategy:
- Teaching strategy:
- Teaching strategy:
- Teaching strategy:
- Teaching strategy:
- Teaching strategy:
- Teaching strategy:
- Teaching strategy:
- TESOL Pre K-12 ELP
Pull-Out ESL
- Arizona State ELP
Content- Based ESL Curriculum