The brief
How to educate the market/ the different countries about 3PP
- What is the market?
- Which countries are we looking at?
How can they drive usage and get the most out of it
- Drive usage of what?
- Get the most out of what?
People may be aware of the content
- Need to understand how it is adopted on mobile devices
Reduce confusion regarding platforms/content/file types
- Apple
- Google
- Other formats
- Market for EBooks
Recommendations required re messaging
- Early adopters
- Early majority
Slow grow
- How would this work?
- Long term strategy for organic inclusion?
- VS wants to take the messaging out to their customers now
Raise awareness of the range of available E-Books
- Interal staff audience
- External customer audience
Drive and maximise usage of E-Books
- With who?
- Drive engagement through interaction
- Who?
- Reduce confusion about formats
- Drive awareness of market trends
- Provide different messages per audience
Grow online revenues and reach through 3rd parties
- Drive E-Book sales by connecting as many 3PPs as possible
- Testing new business models through 3PPs (eg Rental)
- Learning through Doing and Adjusting
The Client
- Victoria Smend
- Strategic Marketing Communications Manager | Health Sciences EMEA&LA
- V.Smend@elsevier.com
- T 020 7424 4717
- M 0777 4146 932
- "Third Party Provider"
- E-Books via resellers
VS has been trying to communicate E-Books internally
- Unsure re the response
They are still doing their first steps
- Long way to go though
- Activity to be matched to the Elsevier colour palette
- Talks directly to customer
- Helpful, non-patronising
- Explains the technology
Formats and technologies
- What do you use day-to-day
- What do you use online/mobile broadband
- Why is mobile broadband needed?
- Who buys tablets?
- How do you get Elsevier content on to a tablet?
ELS H/S aiming for 35% increase in revenue in 2012
- Targets not yet in for EMEA&LA
- Expected to leap massively on '11
- More than 2,000 EBooks made available in '11
Activity to date
2 internal newsletters
- See email
Internal website
- URL needed
Display units
- Examples?
SME business decision makers
- No IT Manager
- Remote/external sales force
Roaming reps
- Need the office while out of the office
Mobility is a key consideration
- Internet on the go