1. The brief
    1. How to educate the market/ the different countries about 3PP
      1. What is the market?
      2. Which countries are we looking at?
    2. How can they drive usage and get the most out of it
      1. Drive usage of what?
      2. Get the most out of what?
    3. People may be aware of the content
      1. Need to understand how it is adopted on mobile devices
    4. Reduce confusion regarding platforms/content/file types
      1. EPUB
      2. PDF
      3. Apple
      4. Google
      5. Other formats
    5. Market for EBooks
    6. Recommendations required re messaging
      1. Early adopters
      2. Early majority
      3. Slow grow
        1. How would this work?
        2. Long term strategy for organic inclusion?
    7. VS wants to take the messaging out to their customers now
    8. Objectives
      1. Raise awareness of the range of available E-Books
        1. Interal staff audience
        2. External customer audience
      2. Drive and maximise usage of E-Books
        1. With who?
      3. Drive engagement through interaction
      4. Educate
        1. Who?
      5. Reduce confusion about formats
      6. Drive awareness of market trends
      7. Provide different messages per audience
      8. Grow online revenues and reach through 3rd parties
        1. Drive E-Book sales by connecting as many 3PPs as possible
        2. Testing new business models through 3PPs (eg Rental)
        3. Learning through Doing and Adjusting
  2. The Client
    1. Victoria Smend
    2. Strategic Marketing Communications Manager | Health Sciences EMEA&LA
    3. V.Smend@elsevier.com
    4. T 020 7424 4717
    5. M 0777 4146 932
  3. 3PP
    1. "Third Party Provider"
    2. E-Books via resellers
  4. Notes
    1. VS has been trying to communicate E-Books internally
      1. Unsure re the response
    2. They are still doing their first steps
      1. Long way to go though
    3. Activity to be matched to the Elsevier colour palette
    4. TOV
      1. Talks directly to customer
      2. Helpful, non-patronising
      3. Explains the technology
    5. Formats and technologies
      1. What do you use day-to-day
      2. What do you use online/mobile broadband
      3. Why is mobile broadband needed?
      4. Who buys tablets?
      5. How do you get Elsevier content on to a tablet?
    6. ELS H/S aiming for 35% increase in revenue in 2012
      1. Targets not yet in for EMEA&LA
      2. Expected to leap massively on '11
      3. More than 2,000 EBooks made available in '11
  5. Activity to date
    1. 2 internal newsletters
      1. See email
    2. Internal website
      1. URL needed
    3. Display units
      1. Examples?
  6. Customers
    1. SOHOs
    2. SME business decision makers
      1. No IT Manager
      2. Remote/external sales force
    3. Roaming reps
      1. Need the office while out of the office
    4. Mobility is a key consideration
      1. Internet on the go