Kernel Wake-up Technique
- Event-triggered
- Time-triggered
Design Pattern on TTCS
- Design Embedded System using Pattern - Case study.pdf
Process Scheduling Technique
Co-operative Scheduler
- Reliable
- Predictable
- Overhead reduce
- Simpler
- Huge line of code
- Not effective
- co-operative approaches
is often that long tasks will have
an impact on
the responsiveness of the system.
- designed without due
consideration of task durations is
likely to prove extremely unreliable
- Unreliable
Preemptive Scheduler
- Small memory usage
(Data & Code)
- Less number line of code
- Runtime overhead
- Hard in Debuging
Software Design Pattern
1977, First in Field - Christopher Alexander and his colleagues (Alexanderet al., 1977)
- WINDOW INDOW PLACE LACE does the following:
• It describes, clearly and concisely, a successful solution to a significant and well-defined problem.
• It describes the circumstances in which it is appropriate to apply this solution.
• It provides a rationale for this solution.
• It describes the consequences of applying the solution.
• It gives the solution a name.
- Topic
1995 - Erich Gamma and colleagues who, published an influential book on general-purpose object-oriented software patterns (Gamma et al., 1995).
- After that Software Design Pattern become an important area of research in the software engineering community
- 1996 - Began to assemble a collection of patterns to support the development of time-triggered software for embedded systems.
- 1998-1999 - Began to publish and discuss the next versions of the patterns more widely (Pont, 1998; Pont et al., 1999).
- 2000 - Pattern workshops (Pont, 2000)
2001 - Feedback on the project, and refined the collection again = PTTES collection’ (see Pont, 2001).
- Topic