1. Rights
  2. Responsibilities
  3. Practise my faith
  4. Be treated with understanding and consideration
  5. Be treated with politeness, respect and trust
  6. To feel and be safe physically and emotionally
  7. The best education the community can provide
  8. Forgiveness and reconciliation
  9. The best environment the community can provide in which to work and play
  10. Respect the Church and its teachings and others who practise their faith
  11. Treat others with understanding and consideration and be sensitive to the well-being of others
  12. Be sensitive to the requirments of the school community and respond to the authority of the teacher
  13. Co-operate with Teachers and other students to make lessons as effective as possible for all learners
  14. Be honest with myself as well as with other students
  15. To respect and care for school property
  16. Be forgiving and promote reconciliation where there is conflict or hurt
  17. Leave in good order the things and places we have shared