1. Tomorrow's world
    1. Social and societal innovation
    2. Collaboration across borders
    3. Entrepreneurial spirit
    4. Future centred thinking
    5. Green multicolored and grey
    6. ICT everywhere
  2. Innovation to take place
    1. Shared context for innovation
    2. Futrure centers
    3. Living labs
    4. Innovation enabling workspace
    5. Collaborative workplaces
      1. Learning and insights
      2. From past and future
      3. Diverse perspectives
    6. Brain friendly working and thinking enviornments
    7. Real world problems oriented
  3. Future centers in urban environments
    1. Focus
      1. Innovation
      2. Future orientation
      3. Knowledege creation and use
      4. Prototyping space
      5. Encounter and networking space
      6. Talent, education and incubation
      7. Acnhoring results
      8. Solution seeking
    2. Dealing with
      1. Real people
      2. Real issues
    3. Spaces
      1. Organizational
      2. Physical
      3. Methodlogical
      4. Virtual
      5. Mental
      6. People
    4. Moving
      1. Past
      2. Present
      3. Future
    5. Examples
      1. LEF Future Center
      2. Dialogues House
      3. Smart Centre Osnabrück
      4. Japan
        1. World leader in Future Centres
  4. Innovation enabling spaces for creative cities
    1. Knowledge and innovation hubs
    2. Places where stakeholders can work toggether
    3. Life style and wellness spaces
    4. Incubators and accelerators
      1. Entrepreneurs
      2. New ideas
  5. Open questions for innovation economy
    1. Innovation economy
    2. Limits of connecting everything
    3. Opportunity costs
    4. Ignorance management
      1. There is more than knowledge
    5. Black swans
    6. How rapid is rapid implementation
  6. The road ahead
    1. More innovation ecosystem thinking
    2. Open service innovation
    3. Colaboration in communities
    4. Joint proejcts across borders
    5. Sharing
      1. Knowledge
      2. Tools
      3. Methods
      4. Lessons learning
    6. Seeing around corners
  7. Scalling up urban innovations
    1. City innovation
      1. Temporary use
      2. Elderly outreach
      3. Youth outreach
      4. Shared car use
      5. Joint commissioning
      6. Urban logistics
      7. Welfare blck
      8. Modular construction
    2. Why the do not scale up?
      1. The diffuse slowly
        1. They are systemic in nature
      2. Mutual adaptation is required
        1. Adoption of innovations
        2. Innovation
        3. Context of adoption change
      3. Network management
        1. Managing scalling-up
        2. Negotiation
        3. Orchestrating
        4. Not a hierarchical process
        5. Autonomous players
      4. Assessment of innovations
        1. Evidences of innovation as such
        2. Evaluation
          1. Benefits
          2. Costs
      5. Impartial intermediaries are necessary
      6. Policy measures available
        1. Urban planning
        2. Procurement
        3. Regulation
        4. Support for R&D
        5. Piloting and testing
    3. Adopting new innovative solutions
      1. Services for users
        1. Elements
          1. Energy
          2. Mobility
          3. Urban spaces and built environments
          4. Water and waste
        2. Embed services in existing services
        3. Services are partly co-produced
          1. Providers
          2. Users
        4. Processes of development and production re fused together
          1. Prosumer
        5. User acceptance
          1. Affects various actors
          2. Many of which are not their direct users
          3. Various constitutencies have a stake in implementation
          4. Externalities
          5. Not priced thorugh market mechanism
          6. External impacts
          7. GO beyond the inmediate users
          8. Social acceptance
          9. Managing networks
          10. Different users
          11. Different stakeholders
      2. Institutions
        1. Political
        2. Economical
        3. Innovation adoption
          1. Local user needs
          2. Mutual adptation process
        4. Innofusion
          1. Not only creating
          2. Fusing with the adoption process
          3. Subtopic 3
      3. Digital
        1. Requires a business ecosystem
        2. Complementing
          1. Products
          2. Services
          3. Infrastructure
          4. Scaling up installed based?
        3. Network effects
          1. Depends on the number of users
          2. Benefits
      4. Physical infrastructure
        1. Large technical systems
          1. Roads
          2. Communication
          3. Technical stuff
        2. Long investment cycles
          1. 20 years
          2. Slow production
        3. Sunk costs to existing technologies
          1. Incompatibility with existing ifnrastructure
          2. Lock
        4. Technolgica lock-in
    4. Changes in practices and institutions needed
      1. User practices
      2. Organisational work routines
      3. inter organisational collaboration practices
      4. Technical infrstructures
      5. Standards
      6. Norms and regulations
      7. Markets
        1. In radical new innovations
  8. Big developments
    1. Astana Innovation Hub
      1. ICT Smart ASTANA
      2. Value adding manuafaftuirn hab
      3. Astana health club
      4. Special economic zone
      5. Astana technopark
    2. South Korea health city
      1. Big investment from China