1. Course Description
  2. Instructional Goals
    1. To develop students' competence as writers, readers, speakers, listeners, and viewers of many texts.
    2. To read and analyse a variety of American literature, from classis to contemporary.
    3. To prepare students for higher-level reading and writing skills and heighten their overall communication skills so they may become successful in life.
  3. Course Methods
    1. Class, small groups, and partner discussions
    2. Group and individual projects
    3. In-class and homework practice activities
    4. Peer writing workshops
  4. Instructional Philosophy
  5. Expectations
    1. Be respectful
    2. Be responsible
    3. Be appropriate
    4. Be involved
    5. Be honest
  6. Classroom Management
  7. Grading Policy
  8. Resources & Materials
    1. Required
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    2. Suggested
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