1. 1) Hardware Domain
    1. Video Conferencing
    2. Scanners - Digital Imaging
    3. Servers
      1. Remote Access
      2. Application / Database
      3. Workgroup servers
      4. Internet / Intranet
    4. Desktop
      1. Workstation
        1. Basic
        2. Power-user
      2. Laptop
        1. Basic
        2. Power-user
        3. Ergonomic
    5. Printers
      1. Multi-funtion
    6. Sound Cards
    7. Tape Backup Units
    8. Handheld Computers
    9. Smartphones
  2. 2) Software Domain
    1. Operating System
      1. Server
      2. Workstation
    2. Remote Control Software
    3. Statistical
    4. Business Intelligence
    5. Electronic Documents (Static)
      1. eForms
      2. eSignatures
    6. Office SProductivity uite
    7. eMail
    8. Instant Messaging
    9. Fax
    10. Desktop Publishing
    11. HTML Authoring and Web
    12. Advanced Drawing
      1. CAD
      2. GIS
      3. Illustration
    13. Imaging / OCR
    14. Application Development
    15. Project Management
    16. Web Content Management
    17. eLearning
    18. Help Desk
    19. Virtualization
  3. 3) Network Domain
    1. Cable Plant
    2. Cable Installation
    3. Network Protocols
    4. Network Hardware
      1. Routers
      2. Hubs
      3. NICS
      4. Modems
      5. Switches
    5. Desktop Video Conferencing
    6. eCommerce & Payments
    7. Internet & Intranet
    8. Web Browser
    9. Mainframe Access
    10. Storae Area Networks
    11. Network Managment
    12. Content Delivery Network
  4. 4) Data Domain
    1. Extensible Markup Language
    2. GIS Data
    3. Geodatabases
    4. Government Information Locator Services
    5. Electronic Record Keeping
    6. Data Stewardship
    7. Common Data Definitions
    8. Electronic Data Interchange
  5. 5) Security Domain
    1. Intrusion Detection & Prevention
    2. Sanitization & Disposal of IT equipment
    3. Secure Transport
    4. Virus Scanning
    5. Spam Filtering
    6. Firewall
    7. Desktop / Laptop Firewall
  6. 6) Systems Management Domain
    1. Web Servers
    2. Backup and Recovery
    3. Inventory and Distribution
    4. Application Development System Managment
  7. 7) Communiactions Domain
    1. Naming Conventions
    2. Internet Domain Naming Conventions
    3. Electronic Mail Address Naming Convention
    4. Web Design and Publishing
    5. Web Accessibility
    6. eCommerce
    7. Magnetic Card Readers
    8. PBX
    9. Voice Mail
    10. Automated Call Distribution
    11. Interactive Voice Response
    12. Computer / Telephone Integation (CTI)
    13. Enterprise Directory Services
    14. Ergonomics
  8. 8) Application Development Domain
    1. Methodology
    2. Software
    3. Platform
  9. 9) Integration Domain
    1. Service Oriented Architecture
  10. 10) Project Management Domain
    1. Framework
    2. COI Policy
    3. Software
    4. PPM