1. Economic factors
    1. Economic Importance of the small business sector
      1. Productive outlets
      2. Innovation
      3. Employment Creation
      4. Replace inefficient business
      5. Threatening existing businesses
    2. Negative factors affecting the birth of new firms
      1. Limited capital
      2. Lack of skills, information
      3. Lack of planning
      4. Not willing to take risk
      5. No support from families
      6. Satisfaction from current employment
    3. Positive factors affecting the birth of new firms
      1. Unemployment
      2. Personal wealth
      3. Opportunity
      4. Hobby or Passion or Previous experience
      5. Indipendence
      6. Personal Development
    4. Factors affecting the death of small firms
      1. Size
      2. Age
      3. Ownership
      4. Sector
      5. Past Performance
      6. Macro-economic conditions
      7. People / Management
      8. Location
      9. Business in receipt of state subsidies
      10. Firm type
    5. Sources of finance for entrepreneurial ventures
      1. Internal
      2. External
    6. Stages of growth in entrepreneurial firms
      1. The entrepreneurial firm
      2. Stages of growth
      3. Greiner's model
        1. Crises of Leadership
        2. Crises of autonomy
        3. Crises of control
        4. Crises of red tape
        5. Crises of ?
      4. Churchill and Lewis' Model
      5. Characteristics Approach Model
        1. Characteristics of the entrepreneur
        2. Characteristics of the firm
        3. Characteristics of the corporate strategy
    7. International Entrepreneurship
      1. Main motivators
        1. Profits
        2. Competitive pressures
        3. Unique products or services
        4. Excess production capacity
        5. Declining home-country sales
        6. Unique market opportunity
        7. Economies of scale
        8. Technological advantage
        9. Tax benefit
      2. Main barriers
        1. Attitude of the Entrepreneur
        2. Financing Problems
        3. Tariff Barriers
        4. Non-Tariff Barriers
        5. Cultural Barriers
        6. Political Barriers
        7. Human Resources
    8. Networking in Entrepreneurship
      1. What is networking
      2. Types of Network
      3. Benefits of networking
      4. Disavantage of Networking
  2. Defining Entrepreneurship
    1. Types of entrepreneur
      1. Innovative
      2. Imitative/Adoptive
      3. Fabian
      4. Drone
  3. Psychological - Personality factors
    1. Education in entrepreneurship
      1. Education about enterprise
      2. Education through enterprise
      3. Education for enterprise
    2. Gender and entrepreneurship
      1. Male
      2. Female
        1. Barriers to women entrepreneurship
          1. Societal attitudes
          2. Social beliefs
          3. Inheritance laws
          4. Time constrains due to household responsibilities
        2. Enablers of women entrepreneurship
          1. Government policies
          2. Education
          3. Technology
      3. Facts
        1. Ratio of male to female
        2. Partecipation among men and women
        3. Men more likely to start a business
    3. Family in entrepreneurship
      1. Companies
      2. Partnerships
      3. Limited liability partnership
    4. Age and experience as factors in entrepreneurship
      1. Young people
      2. Old people
      3. Age and experience in correlation to opportunity recognition
      4. Age and experience vs Risk-Taking
    5. Entrepreneurial Orientation
      1. Risk Taking
      2. Innovativeness
      3. Proactiveness
      4. Autonomy
      5. Competitive Aggressiveness
    6. Defining opportunity recognition
      1. Types of opportunities
        1. New products
        2. New services
        3. New production techniques
        4. New operating practices
        5. New ways of delivering the product or the services to the customers
        6. New means of informing the customers about the products
        7. New ways to managing relationships within the organization
        8. New ways of managing relationships between organizations
      2. Problems that the business can solve
        1. Problems that the business can solve
        2. Change in laws, situations or trends
        3. Inventions of totally new products or services
        4. Beating competition
        5. Technological advances
    7. Defining creativity as it applies to entrepreneurship
      1. Expertise
      2. Creative Thinking Skills
      3. Motivation
      4. Anticipation
      5. Commitment
    8. Defining innovation in relation to entrepreneurship
      1. Subtopic 1
      2. Subtopic 2
      3. Subtopic 3
    9. Typical traits on entrepreneurs
      1. Frugality
      2. Accepting failure
      3. Action Mentality
      4. Hunger for knowledge
      5. Willingness to change
  4. Process
    1. The entrepreneurial process
      1. Discovery Phase
      2. Exploitation Phase
    2. Ethnicity in entrepreneurship
      1. Determinants of ethnic entrepreneurship
        1. Cultural - Pull factors
        2. Contextual/structural - Push factors
    3. Social entrepreneurship
      1. Business Structure
      2. Attributes of the Social Entrepreneur
      3. Economic vs Social Impact