Word matching
- I used N-Watch
- Make sure you have TK
Prepare Stimuli in Excel. They have to be formatted this way
- GPstim.xlsb
- Change the Targets so they are preceded by ID Symbols
- Copy and Paste content into a txt file
Run GPstim and specify the name of the txt file. This will create a masterlist
- GPstim.pl
- GPstimmasterlist.txt
Run Counterbalance and specify the name of the masterlist (GPstimmasterlist)
- counterbalance.pl
- It will create lists
- list-1.txt
- list-2.txt
Make sure you have the exp.txt file in the folder and that it has specifications for your experiment
- exp.txt
Run stim2ptb and specify your variables.
- stim2ptb.pl
- Component files vs Program Files
- Tweaking program
- You are ready to run your experiment!