1. Research and innovation - Information society
    1. Competitivenes and innovation framework programme (3600 M€)
      1. Entrepreneurship and innovation programme
      2. ICT policy support programme
      3. Intelligent energy Europe programme
    2. Cross-border cooperation
        1. Cross border cooperation
      2. INTERREG IV B
        1. SUDOE
        2. MED
        3. Atlantic
      3. INTERREG IV C
        1. Interregional cooperation
    3. Territorial development - ESPON 2013
      1. Slides SPON 2013 programme
    4. VII Framework programme
      1. VII Framework programme structure(50521 M€)
        1. Cooperation (32.413 M€)
          1. Key thematic areas
          2. Health (6100M€)
          3. Biotechnology, generic tools and medical technologies for human health
          4. High-throughput research
          5. Detection, diagnosis and monitoring
          6. Prediction of suitability, safety and efficacy of therapies
          7. Innovative therapeutic approaches and intervention
          8. Translating research for human health
          9. Integration of biological data and processes
          10. Research on the brain and related diseases, human development and ageing
          11. Translational research in infectious diseases
          12. Translational research in major diseases
          13. Optimising the delivery of healthcare to European citizens
          14. Translation of clinical outcome into clinical practice
          15. Quality, efficiency and solidarity of health care systems
          16. Enhanced disease prevention and better use of medicines
          17. Appropriate use of new health therapies and technologies
          18. Food, agriculture and fisheries, biotechnology (1935 M€)
          19. Sustainable production and management of biological resources
          20. Tools to implement relevant strategies, policies and legislation supporting the European knowledge based bio-economy
          21. The integrity and control of the food chain
          22. Life sciences and biotechnology for sustainable non-food products and processes
          23. ICT (9050M€)
          24. Network and service infrastructure stability and security
          25. Performance and reliability of electronic systems and components
          26. Personalised ICT systems
          27. Digital content management
          28. Subtopic 5
          29. Nano (3475M€)
          30. Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
          31. Materials
          32. New production
          33. Integration of technologies for industrial applications
          34. Energy (2350M€)
          35. Hydrogen and fuel cells
          36. Renewable electricity generation
          37. Renewable fuel production
          38. Renewables for heating and cooling
          39. CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation
          40. Clean coal technologies
          41. Smart energy networks
          42. Energy efficiency and savings
          43. Knowledge for energy policy making
          44. Environment (1890M€)
          45. Climate change, pollution and risks
          46. Sustainable Management of Resources
          47. Environmental Technologies
          48. Earth observation and assessment tools
          49. Transport (4160M€)
          50. Aeronautics and air transport
          51. Sustainable surface transport-
          52. Support to the European global satellite navigation system
          53. Socio-economic sciences and humanities (623M€)
          54. Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society
          55. combination of economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective
          56. Major trends in society and their implications
          57. Europe in the world
          58. The citizen in the European Union
          59. Socio-economic and scientific indicators
          60. Foresight activities
          61. Space (1430M€)
          62. Space-based application at the service of European society
          63. Exploration of space
          64. Research and Technological Development for strengthening Space foundations
          65. Security (1400M€)
          66. Security of citizens
          67. Security of infrastructures and utilities
          68. Intelligent surveillance and border security
          69. Restoring security and safety in case of crisis
          70. Security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability
          71. Security and society
          72. Security research co-ordination and structuring
          73. Instruments
          74. Joint Technolgoy Iniatiatives
          75. Nanoelectronic technologies
          76. Embeded computing systems
          77. Innovartive medicines initiative
          78. Hydrogen and fuel cell iniatiatives
          79. Global monitoring for environment and security
          80. Collaborative research: European Excellence
          81. Coordination between national research programmes
          82. Technolgoy platforms
          83. Energy
          84. Biofuels
          85. Smartgrids
          86. TPWind
          87. Photovoltaics
          88. ZEP
          89. SNETP
          90. RHC
          91. ICT
          92. ARTEMIS
          93. ENIAC
          94. ISI
          95. eMobility
          96. NEM
          97. NESSI
          98. EUROP
          99. EPoSS
          100. Photonics21
          101. Bio-based economy
          102. FABRE TP
          103. Food
          104. GAH
          105. NanoMedicine
          106. Plants
          107. Forestry
          108. Production and process
          109. ECTP
          110. ESTEP
          111. ETP SMR
          112. Manufuture
          113. FTC
          114. WSSTP
          115. SusChem
          116. EuMat
          117. Indsutrial Safety
          118. Transport
          119. ACARE
          120. ERRAC
          121. ERTRAC
          122. Waterborne
          123. ESTP
        2. Ideas (7510M€)
          1. European Research Council
          2. Types
          3. Starting grants
          4. 2M€/project
          5. 5 years
          6. Advanced grants
          7. 3.5M€/project
          8. 5 years
          9. All fields are eligible
          10. Social sciences and humanities
          11. Mathematics, physical sciences, information and communication, engineering, universe and earth sciences
          12. Life sciences
          13. All researchers are eligible
          14. Principal investigators and their research team are supported
          15. Scientific excellence is the sole evaluation criterion
          16. ERC Guide for peer reviewers
          17. ERC Panel
        3. People4750M€)
          1. Initial training for researchers
          2. Recruitment of researchers
          3. Recruitment of Senior Visiting Scientists of outstanding stature
          4. Networking activities
          5. LIfelong training
          6. Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF)
          7. Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants (ERG)
          8. Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants (IRG)
          9. Marie Curie Co-funding of Regional, National, and International Programmes (COFUND)
          10. Industry-academia partnerships
          11. Exchange of know-how and experience
          12. Recruitment by the participants of experienced researchers
          13. Networking activities
          14. International dimension
          15. Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development (IOF)
          16. Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships (IIF)
          17. Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)
          18. Specific actions
          19. Description
        4. Capacities (4097M€)
          1. Research infrastructures (1800M€)
          2. Support for existing research infrastructures
          3. Support for new research infrastructures
          4. Acconpanying measures
          5. Research for thebenefit of SMEs (1336M€)
          6. Supporting SMEs outsourcing research activities
          7. Research for SMEs at a glance
          8. Research for SME associations at a glance
          9. Developing and coordinating support to SMEs at national level
          10. Support measures
          11. Coordination and support actions
          12. Analyse and assess the socio-economic impact on and needs of participants
          13. Regions of Knowledge (126M€)
          14. Analysis, development and implementation of research agendas for regional or cross-border clusters
          15. Mentoring of regions with a less-developed research profile by highly developed ones
          16. Initiatives to improve integration
          17. Dissemination activities
          18. Research potential of Convergence Regions (340M€)
          19. Trans-national two-way secondments of research staff in the convergence regions
          20. The acquisition and development of research equipment in selected centres
          21. The organisation of workshops and conferences to facilitate knowledge transfer
          22. Evaluation facilities
          23. Science in Society (330M€)
          24. A more dynamic governance of the relationship between science and society
          25. Research on ethics in science and technology
          26. The reciprocal influence of science and culture
          27. Conditions for an informed debate on ethics and science
          28. Strengthening potential, broadening horizons
          29. Strengthening the role of women in scientific research
          30. Supporting formal and informal science education in schools as well as through science centres and museums and other relevant means
          31. Reinforcing links between science education and science careers
          32. Science and society communication
          33. Encouraging a European dimension at science events targeting the public
          34. Science prizes
          35. Trans-national cooperation among National Contact Points
          36. Support to the coherent development of research policies (70M€)
          37. Monitoring and analysis of research-related public policies and strategies
          38. Development of an information and intelligence service (ERAWATCH)
          39. Industrial research investment monitoring activity
          40. Development and analysis of indicators on research activity and its impact on the economy
          41. Coordination of research policies
          42. Support to the implementation of the ‘Open method of coordination’
          43. Support to bottom up policy coordination initiatives undertaken by several countries and regions
          44. Specific activities of international cooperation (180M€)
          45. Bi-regional coordination of S&T cooperation
          46. Bilateral coordination for the enhancement and development of S&T partnerships
          47. Supporting the coordination of national policies and activities of EU Member States and Associated Countries
        5. Nuclear research (1751M€)
          1. Fusion energy
          2. Nuclear fision
          3. Radiation protection
          4. Nuclear energy
          5. Nuclear waste management
          6. Enviornmental impact
          7. Nuclear safety
          8. Nuclear security
          9. EURATOM
      2. Public-Private partnerships
        1. Factories of the future (1200M€)
        2. Energy efficient buildings (1000 M€)
        3. Green cars (5000 M€)
      3. Funding schemes
        1. Collaborative projects
        2. Networks of excellence
        3. Coordination and support actions
        4. Individual projects
        5. Support for training and carreer development of researchers
        6. Research for the benefit of specific groups
      4. Calls for proposals
        1. Guide for applicants
        2. Electronic Proposal Submission Service
  2. Medio ambiente, energía y transporte
    1. Natura 2000
    2. Life+
    3. Ayudas en el sector de la energía y los transportes
    4. Marco Polo II
    5. Medio ambiente
      1. Nature conservation
      2. Water conservation
      3. CO2 reduction
      4. Sustainable transport
  3. Lifelong Learning (6970M€)
    1. Actions
      1. Mobility of people in lifelong learning;
      2. Bilateral and multilateral partnerships
      3. Unilateral, national or multinational projects
      4. Multilateral networks
      5. Studies and reviews of policies and systems in the field of lifelong learning
      6. Support certain operational and administrative costs
      7. Accompanying measures
      8. Preparatory activities
      9. Organisation of events
    2. Programmes
      1. Sectoral programmes
        1. Comenius
          1. Target groups
          2. Pre-school education
          3. School education
          4. Objectives
          5. Better partnerships
          6. Encouragement for learning foreign languages
          7. Development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practices
          8. Better teacher training in terms of quality
          9. Support in improving pedagogical approaches and school management.
          10. Actions
          11. Mobility
          12. Partnerships
          13. Multilateral projects
          14. Dissemination and promotion of best practices
          15. Exchanging experiences
          16. Developing new courses
          17. Multilateral networks
          18. Developing education
          19. Disseminating
          20. Good practices
          21. Innovation
          22. Supporting
          23. Partnerships
          24. Projects
          25. Developing needs analysis
          26. Acconpanying measures
        2. Erasmus
          1. Target groups
          2. Higher education
          3. Vocational education
          4. Training at tertiary level
          5. Objectives
          6. European Area for Higher Education
          7. Reinforce innovation
          8. Actions
          9. Mobility
          10. Students
          11. Staff in HE
          12. Staff in companies
          13. Multilateral projects
          14. Innovation
          15. Experimentation
          16. Exchange of good practices
          17. Multilateral networks
          18. Acconpanying measures
          19. Projects
        3. Leonardo da Vinci
          1. Target groups
          2. Vocational education
          3. Objectives
          4. Participate in the labour market
          5. Improve quality and innovation
          6. Enhance the attractiveness
          7. Actions
          8. Mobility
          9. Partnerships
          10. Multilateral projects
          11. Thematic networks
          12. Acconpanying measures
        4. Grundtvig
          1. Tarjet groups
          2. Adult education
          3. Objectives
          4. Ageing population in Europe
          5. Improve adults knowledge competences
          6. Actions
          7. Mobility of individuals
          8. Grundtvig learning partnerships
          9. Multilateral projects
          10. Grundtig networks
          11. Acconpanying measures
      2. The transversal programme
        1. Objectives
          1. Promote European cooperation
          2. Promote the quality and transparency
        2. Actions
          1. Policy cooperation and innovation KA1
          2. Promotion of language learning KA2
          3. Development of ICT based KA3
          4. Content
          5. Services
          6. Pedagogies
          7. Practices
          8. Dissemination and exploitation of results KA4
      3. The Jean Monnet programme
        1. Objectives
          1. Eruopean integration studies
          2. Teaching
          3. Research
          4. Reflection
          5. Training from a European perspective
        2. Actions
          1. The Jean Monnet action
          2. Operating grants
          3. Operating subsidies
    3. Management
      1. Centralized actions
        1. Multilateral projects and networks
        2. Acconpanying measures
        3. Observation and analysis
        4. Operating grants
        5. Jean Monnet Programme
          1. Unilateral projects
          2. National projects
      2. De-centralized actions
        1. Mobility of individuals
        2. Bilateral and multilateral partnerships
        3. Transversal programme
          1. Unilateral projects
          2. National projects
        4. Transfer of innovation (Leonardo da Vinci)
    4. Strategic priorities
  4. Employment, social affairs and inclusion
    1. Progress (743.25M€)
      1. Employment
      2. Social inclusion and protection
      3. Working conditions
      4. Non discrimination
      5. Gender equality
    2. Health
    3. Erasmus for young entrepreneurs
    4. European globalisation adjustment plan
    5. European Progress microfinance facility
  5. Culture (400M€)
    1. Strand 1.1
      1. Multi-annual cooperation projects
    2. Strand 1.2.1
      1. Cooperation projects
    3. Strand 1.2.2
      1. Literary translation projects
    4. Strand 1.3.5
      1. Cooperation projects with third countries
    5. Strand 1.3.6
      1. Support to European cultural festivals
      2. Framework partnerships
    6. Strand 2
      1. Ambassadors
      2. Advocacy networks
      3. Platforms
    7. Strand 3.2
      1. Cooperation projects
    8. Media
      1. Media Mundus (15M€)
      2. Media Literacy
      3. Media 2007 (755M€)
        1. stronger European audiovisual sector
        2. increase the circulation of European audiovisual
        3. strengthen the competitiveness of the European audiovisual sector
  6. External programmes and cooperation
    1. Cooperation
      1. América Latina
        1. AL-Invest IV
        2. URB-AL III
        3. Euro-social II
        4. RALCEA
        5. Latin America investment facility
        6. Euroclima
        7. @LIS2
      2. Proinvest
      3. SFT China
    2. Education and training
      1. Tempus (50M€)
        1. Joint projects
          1. National projects
          2. Multi-country projects
        2. Structural measures
          1. National
          2. Multi-country
        3. Acconpanying measures
      2. Erasmus Mundus (930M€)
        1. Action 1
          1. Joint
          2. Masters
          3. Doctorates
        2. Action 2
          1. Partnerships with non EU countries
        3. Action 3
          1. Promote EU Higher Education worldwide
      3. Cooperation with industrialized countries
        1. Actions
          1. Joint/double degree projects
          2. Joint mobility projects
          3. Policy dialigue and projects
        2. Programmes
          1. Atlantis programme (EU-USA)
          2. EU-Canada
          3. EU-Australia
          4. EU-New Zealand
          5. EU-Japan
          6. EU-Korea
          7. Oceans Almuni
          8. Good practices exchange
      4. ALFA III
        1. Latinamerica
      5. Alban
  7. Notes
    1. Plan de recuperación económica
      1. Public private partnerships
      2. Fábricas del futuro
      3. Construcción energéticamente eficiente
      4. Green cars
      5. Internet del futuro
    2. ERA-NET
    3. Programa conjunto vida cotidiana asistida por el entorno
    4. Eurostar
    5. Future and emerging technologies