1. Tutorials
    1. Michael Bolton on "Illustration the Quality Story"
      1. Testing
        1. Testing Story
          1. Status of the product
          2. How the testing was done
          3. How good your testing was
        2. ..about asking "Is there a problem here?"
        3. Mnemonics
          1. San Francisco Depot
          2. Structure
          3. Function
          4. Data
          5. Platform
          6. Operations
          7. Time
          8. crusspic stmpl
      2. Start by testing "sympathetically"
      3. Measurement
        1. ..art and science of making reliable observations (JW)
        2. asking "What do we want to know?"
      4. Estimation
        1. "When do you want to ship?"
      5. Positive Deviance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Deviance
      6. McLuhan's Laws of Media
        1. ENHANCE
        2. REVERSE
        3. RETRIEVE
        4. OBSOLESCE
        5. http://www.horton.ednet.ns.ca/staff/scottbennett/media/
      7. Recommendations
        1. Cem Kaner - Software Engineering Metric http://www.kaner.com/pdfs/metrics2004.pdf
        2. Jerry Weinberg - Quality Software Management, Vol2: First-Order Measurement http://www.geraldmweinberg.com/Site/QSM_vol_2.html
        3. Cem Kaner - Software Testing as a Social Science http://testingeducation.org/a/ifipkaner.pdf
        4. Dan Gilbert - TED Talk on Why are we happy? http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_gilbert_asks_why_are_we_happy.html
      8. Show stopper ~ it makes more sense to fix it than to ship it
    2. James Whittaker on "How Google Tests Software"
      1. 10 minute testplan
        1. Attributes
        2. Components
        3. Capabilities
        4. ACC http://code.google.com/p/test-analytics/wiki/AccExplained
      2. Google Test Analityics
      3. You don't really have to write code, you just have to read code.
  2. Keynotes
    1. Dr. Richard Sykes The New Testing: Delivering Assurance in the Age of the Virtual
    2. Gojko Adzic, Death To The Testing Phase
      1. Nice hand written/drawn slides
      2. Remove the safety net
      3. Testing is not a phase, but a team approach
      4. People who ask for control probably want visibility
    3. James Whittaker Pursuing Quality? You Won't Get There By Testing
      1. Privacy testing
    4. Daryl Elfield Power to the People – Achieve Fast, Sustainable Change in Quality by Harnessing the Crowd
    5. Isabel Evans Quality In Use: The Beating Heart Of The Customer Experience
  3. Talks
    1. Julian Harty Pushing The Boundaries Of User Experience Test Automation
      1. Heuristics for Test Automation
        1. Tabbing - always come back where you started
        2. Consistent flow on web forms
        3. Look and work alike across all browsers
        4. Doesn't allow security bypass
      2. Tools
        1. BiDi checker
        2. DOM monster
      3. Accesibility bugs are seldom fixed
      4. Alt text/description
        1. SEO
        2. Accesibility
      5. Automation is like a dog: great when it behaves, horrible when it doesn't.
      6. Beware of AssertTrue(true)
      7. Automated execution followed by human inspection
      8. Resources
        1. http://blog.bettersoftwaretesting.com
        2. http://enough.de
        3. http://code.google.com/u/julianharty/
    2. John Montgomery What The Top 10 Most Disruptive Technology Trends Mean For QA And Testing
      1. Test is not dead, just moving to a different neighborhood
      2. top 10
        1. Mobile apps
        2. Tablet apps
        3. 4g
        4. Geo-location
        5. HTML5
        6. Cloud
        7. Continuous Deployment
        8. Not only SQL
        9. Social Media
        10. Consumerisation
    3. Anna Baik Life's Too Short: Make A Difference
      1. When process is king, customer comes a distant second
      2. We don't often see enthusiasm on testers' CVs
    4. Bryan Bakker Automated Reliability Testing via Hardware Interfaces
  4. Test Lab
    1. Mind mapping with Michael Bolton
      1. ET session on RedNotebook using a mind map
      2. Notes
      3. Issues
      4. Bugs
      5. Product claims => test ideas
    2. Testing with Shmuel
      1. Paired ET session
      2. Testing RedNotebook
      3. using Rapid Reporter
      4. Rapid Reporter consolidated report
    3. Testing Competition
      1. Mission
        1. Test the file handling in RedNotebook
        2. Find and report the best bug
      2. Our team
        1. Ruud Cox
        2. Ru Cindrea
        3. Best Bug Report: Application hangs when reading corrupt journal files
    4. People
      1. Test Lab Team
        1. Henrik Emilsson
        2. Torbjorn Wiger
        3. Jonathan Watts
        4. Robin Anderson
        5. Shmuel Gershon
      2. All others that I knew from online only