1. I. Test-taker characteristics
    1. Physical/ Physiological
      1. Short-term aliments
      2. Longer-term disabilities
      3. Age
      4. Gender
    2. Psychological
      1. Personality
      2. Memory
      3. Cognitive Style
      4. Affective Schemata
      5. Concentration
      6. Motivation
      7. Emotional state
    3. Experiential
      1. Education
      2. Examination preparedness
      3. Examination Experience
      4. Communication experience
      5. Target language country residence
  2. II. Cognitive Validity
    1. Factorial approach to RC
      1. various components
      2. non-observable mental competencies of
      3. Reading process
      4. Types of Reading
        1. careful
        2. expeditious
        3. skimming
        4. scanning
      5. level of cognitive demand
    2. Reading Subskills approach 80s
      1. Grellet, Munby, Nuttall
      2. Break reading down ino constituent competencies
      3. Generating Reading EXECISES
        1. than RCQ
        2. Coursebook with practices
      4. Disadvantages
        1. more organisationally than theoretically driven
        2. unclear distinction b/w
          1. R skills
          2. R strategies
    3. Cognitive processing approach
      1. Reading types
      2. cognitive processes
      3. text complexity
      4. Mismatch
        1. Theory
          1. R process
          2. Bottom-up
          3. Top-down
          4. combining, but diverged
        2. Practices
      5. A Model of Reading p43
        1. Goal Setting
          1. Careful R
          2. Local
          3. understanding sentence
          4. Global
          5. main ideas
          6. overall text
          7. Expeditious R
          8. Local
          9. scanning
          10. Global
          11. skimming
        2. Word recognition
          1. lexicon form
          2. orthography
          3. phonology
          4. morphology
        3. Lexical Access
          1. lexicon lemma
          2. meaning
          3. word class
        4. Syntactic Parsing
          1. syntactic Kw
        5. Establish propositional meaning
        6. Inferencing
        7. Building a Mental model
        8. Creating a text level representation
        9. Creating an intertextual representation
        10. Monitoring Comprehension
        11. GK (topic Kw)
        12. Text Structure Kw (Genre, Rhetorical Tasks)
  3. III. Context Validity
    1. Exam should aim
      1. Contextual
        1. situational
      2. Cognitive
        1. Interactional
    2. Task Setting
      1. Response method
        1. 1. Selected Response format
          1. MCQ
          2. T/F
          3. Right/ Wrong/ Doesn't say
          4. Matching
          5. Multiple Matching
          6. Gapped Text
        2. 2. Constructed response format
          1. SAQ (short Answer Questions)
          2. information transfer
          3. Random deletion cloze & Selective deletion gap filling
          4. Reading into Writing
      2. weighting
        1. points assigned to a test item
        2. score value
        3. with Rational
      3. knowledge of criteria
        1. clear idea of a task purpose
      4. order of items
        1. expeditions types of reading
          1. focus for test items
        2. Search reading
        3. Scanning
      5. channel of presentation
        1. Comp by Non-verbal information
        2. Interaction b/w Text and
          1. Diagrams
          2. charts
          3. graphs
          4. tables
          5. pictures
          6. notices
          7. illustrations
      6. text length
        1. Short
        2. long
      7. time constraints
        1. speed
    3. Setting Administration
      1. physical conditions
      2. uniformity of administration
      3. security
    4. Linguistic demands: task input & output
      1. overall text purpose
        1. Referential
          1. to inform
        2. conative
          1. to persuade or convince
        3. emotive
          1. to convey feelings or emotions
        4. poetic
          1. to entertain, delight, please
        5. phatic
          1. to keep in touch
      2. writer - reader relationship
        1. Audience Addressed
          1. real, intended readership
        2. Audience invoked
          1. fictitious readership for a rhetorical purpose
      3. discourse mode
        1. Text Organization/ type
      4. functional resources
        1. a common scale
          1. levels
          2. argument
          3. disagree
          4. inform
          5. Advocate
          6. suasion
          7. Recommend
          8. Threaten
          9. rational enquiry and exposition
          10. Justification
          11. propositional
          12. demonstration
          13. illustration
          14. emotional relations
          15. acknowledgement
          16. judgement and evaluation
          17. Assess
          18. personal emotions
      5. grammatical resources
        1. K of Syntactic Structure
      6. Lexical resources
      7. Nature of information
        1. Abstract
        2. concrete
      8. Content knowledge
        1. Text Knw
        2. Background Knw
  4. IV. Scoring Validity
    1. Item difficulty
      1. CTT (classical test Theory)
      2. IRT (Item response theory)
      3. IF (Item Facility)
      4. Item discrimination
      5. Point Biserial Correlations (rbpi)
    2. Item discrimination
    3. Internal consistency
      1. 3 categories of instrument reliability
        1. 1. Alternate-form Coefficients
        2. 2. Test-retest coefficients
        3. 3. Internal consistency coefficients
    4. Error of Measurement
      1. no test is likely to be totally accurate
      2. useful measure of test consistency
      3. also in variation in test scores
    5. Marker reliability
    6. Grading and Awarding
  5. V. Consequential Validity
    1. Social Consequences of test use
      1. appropriateness
      2. meaningfulness
      3. usefulness
    2. Washback on individuals in classroom/ workplace
      1. Macro level
        1. socio-cultural level
        2. educational systems
        3. society in general
      2. Micro level
        1. local and personal level
    3. Impact on institutions and society
    4. Avoidance of text bias
      1. Standardized tests
      2. 4 potential sources
        1. 1. Cultural background
        2. 2. Background knw
        3. 3. Cognitive Characteristics
        4. 4. Native lang/ ethnicity/age and gender
  6. VI. Criterion-Related Validity
    1. Cross-test comparability
    2. Equivalence with different versions of the same test
    3. Comparability with external standards