1. Time Management
    1. clearer idea what task takes how much time
    2. setting priorities
  2. Integral Design
    1. Personal
      1. started to consciously design my life
        1. power of thoughts
        2. nutrition
        3. sports
    2. Applied Design Thinking
      1. Design processes
        1. Appreciative Inquiry
        2. SADIM
        3. Using Kolbs Model as a Design process (OP3)
    3. Balancing thinking and doing
  3. Working with knowledge
    1. mix different pieces of knowledge together and use my own mind
    2. ArCEA
  4. Leadership capacities
    1. school project
    2. Terra Preta Workshop
    3. student seminar
  5. Learning
    1. experimenting with my learnings capacity (beginning)
    2. Thinking about ways to learn
    3. creating learning material
  6. Project work
    1. got a clear idea now what a project is about
    2. From abstract ideas to implementation (I feel that I am just starting)