1. We want more time collaborating & learning together
    1. more planning time
    2. more time to share successes
    3. more collaboration with coaches on campus
    4. more collaboration with coaches from other sites
    5. more time to brainstorm solutions
    6. more informal times to grow and share
    7. share/brainstorm with principal and site coaches
    8. more training to develop coaching skills
  2. Site Goals
    1. Adjust coaching focus for CCJH
      1. Team meetings to focus on digital citizenship & follow up on PD
      2. Content area to focus on lesson collaboration, PBL, & resources
      3. Each team has its own coach, & every content area has at least 2 coaches
    2. Blogging
      1. share blogging & PLN with staff
      2. develop my blog & share
  3. Specific coaching goals for next year
    1. PBL
      1. Work with teachers who are ready for PBL
    2. Global collaborations & authentic purpose
    3. Have team set 21st C goals each quarter, & maybe have a rubric to measure progress
    4. Share with local & global communities student learning
    5. Use tech for higher level thinking & collaborating
  4. Time to go in teachers rooms
    1. Time to team teach, model, or provide feedback
    2. I want it to be normal to drop in on peers to observe/learn
  5. Incentives
    1. PD credit for those we collaborate with
      1. 301 hours
      2. InService Credit
      3. PD time outside of contract hours
      4. Let the collaboration be their CL portfolio too
    2. Sharing successes from coaching logs to staff