1. Quick Launch
    1. Very quick payday
    2. Good if you have a list
    3. Can be done with your product or affiliate product
    4. Generally based on a discount, or upgrade, or bonus
    5. Need a reason why, but it doesn't have to be super-strong
  2. Seed Launch
    1. Used when you don't have a list, or you have a tiny list
    2. Can be used to create a product
    3. Doesn't need a big buildup
    4. Sets the stage for an internal launch
  3. Internal Launch
    1. Much easier than doing a big JV launch
    2. Used when you have a list
    3. You are playing on a smaller stage
    4. Figure out your fulfillment, customer support, and logistical issues before you launch to the world with your Joint Venture launch
    5. Success with your internal launch sets the stage for the big payoff in your JV launch
    6. Figure out your numbers (conversion rates, etc) in this launch, then you can use that date in your Joint Venture launch
    7. Can be quite lucrative, since you're not paying partners you get to keep all the money
  4. Big Joint Venture (JV) Launch
    1. This is the big payday
    2. Be careful if this is your first launch
    3. This can give you a massive list build
    4. Managing partners could be as time-consuming as the rest of the launch combined
    5. Be sure to test your systems ahead of time
    6. It's easier to recruit partners if you can show them you have an offer that converts
    7. If you do an internal launch, then you will know whether you have an offer that converts
  5. Affiliate / E-commerce Launch
    1. Should generally be story-based
    2. Think about telling the story from when you first made the decision to look at the product, to buying it, to using it, to getting results... to offering it for sale :-)
    3. Used when you have a list, but you can do it with a very small list
    4. Add something to the offer - like a bonus... or create a bundle
    5. This can be done very quickly, similar to the Quick Launch
    6. Use these regularly - like every week
    7. This can be done LONG after a product is first introduced... in fact, it usually works better that way
    8. See if you can get help from the creator or manufacturer