1. S/S
    1. time of presentation
      1. 1ry
        1. early = w. in 24 h
        2. delayed = 24h to 2/52
      2. 2ry
        1. early 2-5/52
        2. delayed = more than 5 weeks
  2. Rx.
    1. Choosing not to operate, performing an arthrodesis(joint ossification via surgery.), or amputating the digit may be a more prudent intervention than subjecting the patient to what may ultimately restore little function.
      1. I. OT
      2. I. tendon and pulley integrity is found to be satisfactory---> tenolysis to restore tendon gliding
      3. II. tendon transfer
      4. III. tendon grafting
        1. A primary tendon graft can be carried from palm to fingertip when the palm is uninjured and there is minimal scarring
      5. IV. significant scarring--> 2 staged surgery: 1st- pulley recon. & scar revision & temporary silicone spacer to develop a smooth gliding bed;;; 2nd-graft placement sliding the tendon starting from the non-scarred area
      6. tendon excursion is distance a tendon travels upon movement of a joint
  3. Dx.
  4. complications
    1. Subtopic 1
    2. reconstruction is a/w neurovascular insult and may result in a cold and atrophic finger even with good ROM
  5. causes
    1. Failed primary tendon repairs
    2. , crush injuries, fractures
    3. infections
    4. surgery
  6. anatomy
    1. Subtopic 1
    2. Subtopic 2