- KEY:G=5804, R=1947, P=69, S=56.25%, N=44,670, Y=3,008, B=728, K=619, A=1.5, 1.5, C=51.38%, E= $840.00, 840, $840.00
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- By: Noam Benavi
- Which team won the first super bowl in 1967?
- K: Team A ranked 4th in the NFL in fumbles recovered and had 21 fumbles recovered. Team B ranked 3rd in the NFL and had 67 fumbles recovered. Team C ranked 2nd in the NFL and had 205 fumbles recovered. If the pattern continues, how many fumbles recovered will the team ranked first in the league have?
- E: A defense had 10 interceptions. There are 28 teams in the league. If every league had 28 teams and every team had 10 interceptions, how many interceptions would every team combined have if there was three leagues?
- A: A defense gave up 150 yards in 4 games. There are 25 players on the defense. How many yards would each player allow per game if they all allowed the same amount if yards?
- P: Drew Brees threw 34 touchdown passes and 11 interceptions in 16 games last season. How many more touchdowns than interceptions would he have if he payed 48 games.
- N: There are 16 games in an NFL season. In 1988 Dan Marino passed for 521 yards per game. For the next 5 seasons (1989 - 1993) he passes 23 yards less per game than the year before. How many yards total will he pass for the next 5 seasons? (Including 1988).
- A: A quarterback completed 192 passes in 16 games. If he throws for a touchdown every 8 completions, how many touchdowns will he throw for per game?
- Y: There are two teams, team A and team B. Team A ran the ball 26 times per game. Team B ran the ball 21 times per game. They both ran for 4 yards per run. How many yards would they run for combined in 16 games?
- C: The Tennessee Titans averaged 214 throwing yards per game and 120 running yards per game. They averaged 650 total yards per game. What percent of their total yards are running and throwing combined?
- E: The St Louis Rams use 5 balls per game. There are 15 other teams. The price for balls is $10.50. If every other team also uses 5 balls per game, what would pe the combined price?
- G: The Louisiana Superdome has 72,968 seats. Everbank field has 67,164 seats. If each stadium gets 2,000 seats more seats each year, how many more seats will the Louisiana Superdome have than Everbank field in 25 years?
- R: Candelstick Park was built in 1960. Soldier field was built in 1924. Lambeau field was built in 1957. What is the age mean in 2010?
- S: There are 32 NFL stadiums. 18 of them have a grass surface. What percent of NFL stadiums would have a grass surface if there were 96 NFL stadiums?
super bowl
- B: A team won the super bowl by a margin of 104. Another team won by one fourth of that. another team won by that times 23.What are these teams' combined margin of victory?
- E: Each ticket to the super bowl costs $7.00. 12 people per day buy tickets. If tickets are being sold for 10 days, how much money would there be from all of the ticket buyers combined?
- R: 20 super bowl winning teams combined for 233,640 passing yards. How many passing yards would each team have if there were six times as many teams as there are now and if every team had the same amount of passing yards?