1. Planning
    1. Choose date&time
    2. Invite guests
      1. SMS
      2. Phone
      3. Facebook
      4. E-mail
    3. Prepare a plan
  2. Dress code
    1. Anything in french style
      1. T-shirts
      2. Mustache
      3. beret
      4. scarf
  3. Decorations
    1. Red
    2. White
    3. Blue
    4. Black/White
      1. Film photos
  4. Cooking
    1. Everybody in
    2. Two teams
      1. White
        1. Pie
        2. White wine
      2. Red
        1. Meat
        2. Red wine
    3. 2h
  5. Fun
    1. Quiz
      1. President of France?
      2. Population?
      3. Biggest rivers?
      4. Telephone code?
      5. Year of French revolution?
      6. What mean colors on the flag?
      7. etc ...
    2. Degustation
      1. Prepare drinks
        1. 5-6
        2. Different wines
        3. Water
        4. Juice
        5. Limonade
      2. Choose participants
        1. Close them eyes
      3. Profit
    3. Drawing
      1. Artists
        1. Draw a model
      2. Choose participants
        1. Artists
          1. 2x
        2. Model
          1. 1
      3. Give
        1. Paper
        2. Pencils, pens
      4. Time
        1. 10 min
      5. Profit
    4. Parfume
      1. Girls only
      2. Get
        1. Parfume samples
      3. Goal
        1. Understand what are the parfumes
          1. easier
          2. Price of the parfume
      4. Profit
    5. Tower
      1. Spagetti tower
      2. Two teams
      3. Give
        1. Spagetti
          1. 1 pack
        2. Duct tape
      4. Time
        1. 1h
      5. Goal
        1. Hightes tower
      6. Restrictions
        1. No connection
          1. With
          2. Ceiling
          3. Walls
        2. Only
          1. Spagetti
          2. Tape
          3. Floor
      7. Profit