1. Cardiovascular drugs
    1. First line
      1. ACEIS
        1. Block angiotensin II
        2. 2M reduced, mortality and morbidity
        3. Renal faillure's progression retarded
        4. BP maybe decreased by NSAIDs
        5. Example: Benazepril, Captopril and Enalapril
        6. Side effects
          1. Skin rash
          2. Persistent cough
          3. Hyperkalemia
          4. Angioedema possibly
          5. Neotropenia
      2. ARBs
        1. Does not have cough and angioedema
        2. Role in heart failure patients
        3. Recommending for patients unable to tolerate ACEI
        4. Example: Candersartan, eprosartan and Irbesartan
        5. Cautious for renal insufficiency patients
        6. Side effects: Hyeperkalemia, myalgia, dizziness and insomia
      3. CCBs
        1. Cardiac contratility decreased
        2. Dihydropyridine CCB
        3. Hydropyridine
        4. Long acting calcium antagonists are preferred
        5. Recommended for elderly patients with systolic hypertension
          1. Subtopic 1
        6. Side effects:
          1. Tachycardia, Bradycardia, flushing, Ankle ordema and Constipation
        7. MOA
          1. Less Ca2+ into smooth muscles->vasodiation in coronary and peripheral->Lower BP
      4. Thiazide diuretics
        1. Especially effective in lowering BP in elderly
    2. Second line agents
      1. Beta-adenoceptor blockers
      2. Potassium-sparing diuretics
    3. Newer agents
      1. Direct renin inhibitor
    4. Subtopic 4