1. Blockchain
  2. Quantum Computer
    1. Chemistry (and Climate Change)
    2. Machine Learning
    3. Medicine
    4. Biomimetics, Energy Systems, & Photovoltaics
    5. Material Science & Engineering
    6. Fuzzy logic
  3. Biotechnology
    1. Data Storage in DNA
    2. Biocomputers Made From Cells
    3. Nanotechnologies
      1. NanoBots
      2. Natotech in Agricolture
      3. Nanotech in sports
  4. Augmented Reality / Virtual reality
    1. 3d Printing
    2. Digital Twins
  5. Environment
    1. Climate Change
  6. Brain
    1. New Artificial Neurons
      1. Mimic the brain
      2. Get correlation
      3. Low Power
    2. Paralyzed Rats Take 1,000 Steps, Orchestrated by Computer
    3. Human brains connected to the cloud
      1. Artificial Synapses to Help Supercomputers Mimic the Human Brain
    4. Brain stimulation to change traits of character
    5. Implant of false memories
    6. Brain and Ageing
    7. upload knowledge to your brain
  7. Transportation
    1. Drones
    2. Connected cars
      1. interactive surface
      2. Processing power
      3. Power Management
      4. Risk Factors
      5. Emotional Affinity
  8. Medicine
    1. Cannabis reverses aging processes in the brain
    2. Gene-Editing Trial On Humans
      1. Correct Diseases
      2. Risks
      3. Scientists in Sweden have become the first to edit the genetic material in healthy human embryos,
    3. Microbots
      1. MicroBots to aggress bad cells
    4. Nanotechnology to repair Tissues
    5. Artificial Cells That Can Replicate Themselves
    6. Anti-Aging Brain Therapy
    7. regeneration and repair of damaged heart cells
    8. generate tissues and organs that can be transplanted into the human body
    9. Bionic Lens
    10. Neurons from stem cells replace damaged neurons and integrate into the brain
  9. Internet of things
    1. Infrastructure.
    2. Energy, waste, and water management.
    3. Environmental monitoring.
    4. Transportation.
    5. Financial services and insurance.
    6. Smart documents.
    7. Real estate management.
    8. Industrial operations.
    9. Household management
    10. Retail.
    11. Health care.
  10. Big Data
  11. Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning
    1. AI powered Personal Assistants
    2. Crime Prevention
    3. Health
    4. Finance
    5. Transportation
    6. Map Analysis
    7. Dynamic Pricing
    8. Stock Options by sentiment Analysis
    9. Image Analysis and Recognition
    10. Agricolture
    11. Main Trends
      1. Natural Language Generation
      2. Speech recognition
      3. Machine Learning Platforms
      4. Virtual Agents
      5. Decision Management
      6. AI-Optimized Hardware
      7. Deep Learning Platforms
      8. Robotic Process Automation
      9. Text Analytics and NLP
      10. Biometrics