1. Legend
    1. Task Complete (%)
      1. Task start
      2. Quarter done
      3. Half done
      4. Three quarters done
      1. Map
      2. Simulate
      3. Experience
      4. Observe
      5. Information/Theory
      6. Goals
      7. Attitude/Alignment
      8. Influence
      9. Nature/Network
      10. Motivation
      11. Review
      12. Evaluate
      13. Study this
      14. Activity/Exercise
  2. Values & Beliefs - personal guidance system
    1. Understanding values
      1. Golfer Values
      2. Leader Values
      3. Organisation Values
    2. I'll believe it when I see it!
      1. Golfing beliefs
      2. Leader beliefs
    3. Knowing values and performance
    4. Team Values & Beliefs
      1. Discovering Personal Values
      2. Discovering Team Values
  3. Goals
    1. The importance of goals
      1. What is a goal?
      2. What is goal-setting?
      3. Is goal-setting important?
    2. Why SMART goals
      1. Goal focus and personal wealth
      2. Outcome goals - some issues
      3. Performance Goals
      4. SMART Golfing goals
      5. SMART Leadership goals
    3. Goal setting process
      1. SWING
        1. SWING for golf
        2. SWING for leaders
    4. Team Goals
      1. Team goal setting activity
  4. Vision
    1. Knowing when a goal is achieved
    2. Shared Vision
    3. Communication by the senses
    4. Team Vision
  5. Alignment
    1. Take Dead Aim
    2. Aligning to the goal
      1. Modes of alignment
        1. Push mode
        2. Pull mode
        3. Drift mode
        4. Pushmepullyou mode
        5. Which mode are you in?
    3. Aligning the team
  6. Attitude
    1. Attitude+Aptitude = Altitude
      1. Technical aptitude alone is insufficient
      2. Difference makers have a better attitude
        1. What can I learn?
          1. Prepared to change
        2. A Positive attitude
          1. What's better today?
    2. Why attitude matters
      1. Emotional Intelligence
    3. Changing attitudes
    4. Team attitude
  7. Influence
    1. Leadership is influence.
    2. Language of communication
    3. Being a person of influence
      1. Influencing self
    4. Influencing the team
  8. Nature
    1. 'Natural' behaviours
      1. Personality
    2. Paradigms of learning
    3. Leadership Paradigms
    4. Team Nature
    5. Shifting Paradigms
  9. Network
    1. No man is an island
    2. Circles of influence
    3. Leveraging your network
    4. Team networking
  10. Motivation
    1. Motivation is a fruit of behaviour
    2. Linking Values, Resources and goals
    3. Motivating the team
  11. Outcomes
    1. Tactical outcome setting
    2. Specific outcomes
    3. If there was ONE thing...
  12. Review
    1. Giving and receiving feedback
    2. What did you learn? What did you enjoy?
    3. What's better today?
    4. Reviewing team performance
  13. Evaluate
    1. Measuring learning and change
    2. Evaluation is a continuous process
    3. Team evaluation