1. I want them to be contributing. I want conversation. I also want openness.
  2. The Garden
    1. Textbooks & Lectures
      1. are mainlining food (for thought)
    2. Video, animation, visual tutorials
      1. are Fast Food (for thought)
    3. Understanding the information eco-system
      1. Understanding today's prevailing networked, digital, & abundant information landscape, is growing your own food (for thought)
  3. Innovative Educators
    1. Where did they learn it?
      1. Not in Workshops
      2. By engaging in conversations PLNs
        1. Boundariless
        2. responsive
        3. Multimedia
  4. Nothing New
    1. Teachers around me
    2. Librarian
    3. Publication
    4. Television & Radio
  5. Definition
    1. A Personal Learning Network is a...
      1. Network
      2. Of people & resources
      3. That help me do my job
  6. Components of a PLN
    1. Conversation Connectors
      1. Blogging
        1. Setting up a Wordpress Blog
          1. http://bit.ly/aOGhbz
        2. Writing a Blog Entry
          1. http://bit.ly/9klfd3
      2. Micro blogging
        1. Setting up Twitter
          1. http://bit.ly/b1Upq3
      3. Social Bookmarks
      4. Social Media
    2. Conversations Mining
      1. Blog Searches
        1. Minning the Blogosphere
          1. http://bit.ly/ahO9ep
      2. Twitter Searches
        1. Mining the Twitterverse
          1. http://bit.ly/ao1fME
      3. Social Bookmark Searches
        1. Mining Social Bookmarks
          1. http://bit.ly/9bL4i9
      4. Social Media Searches
    3. Conversation Mapping
      1. RSS Readers
        1. Readers
          1. Google Reader
          2. Bloglines
        2. Graphical (Start Pages)
          1. iGoogle
          2. PageFlakes
          3. NetVibes
        3. Setting Up an RSS Reader
          1. http://bit.ly/aQtzJ3
      2. Connecting too
        1. Blogs
        2. Wikis
        3. Microblogging
        5. Podcasts
        6. Social Media (Flickr)
        7. News
        8. News Searches
        9. Blog Searches
        10. Adding to your Reader
          1. http://bit.ly/bCCiTn
  7. Defining Qualities of PLNs
    1. Personal
    2. Spontaneous or Directed
    3. Connective
      1. Sticky People
      2. Stick Content
  8. Cultivating Gardeners
    1. Identify your Teams
      1. What are the Qualities you are looking for?
        1. Tech savvy
        2. Curious
        3. Innovative
        4. Self directed
        5. Bored
        6. Stagnant
      2. Who are you looking for? Name Names
    2. Where do you start? What Avenues?
      1. What do you think?
      2. Me?
        1. Blogs
        2. Aggregators
    3. Avenue Tracks
      1. 1st
        1. Blogging
        2. Aggregator
      2. 2nd
        1. Outside Bloggers
      3. 3rd
        1. Social Bookmarks
      4. 4th
        1. Social Media
    4. Tipping Point
      1. What are the Signs?
        1. Inviting new members
        2. Adding new avenues
        3. Learning new avenues
    5. Go Viral
      1. How do you spread this?
      2. Some ideas?
        1. Describe in Faculty Meeting
        2. Contribute video tutorials
        3. Invite parents into PLN
        4. Celebrate new learning
          1. Add to web site
          2. Put on the door
          3. Talk about it
          4. Start a digital library of new resources
  9. The Shifts
    1. Classroom/Workshop learning
      1. to
        1. Network Learning
    2. Institution Dependent
      1. to
        1. Independent (self-directed)
    3. Literacy
      1. to
        1. Learning Literacy
    4. Lifelong Learning Skills
      1. to
        1. Learning Lifestyle