1. Involving students in subject matter
    1. Mutual help to fellow students
      1. Boys - Girls and Girls - Boys
        1. law of attraction principle and tender help
    2. Virtual court
    3. experiencing teaching to fellow students
  2. Understanding Psychology
    1. Boost confidence of backward students
    2. Involve poor student with so-called talent one
      1. Praise their slightest efforts towards study
      2. provide them with memory, vedic math & mind map tools
  3. Fun in study
    1. Every Friday Special friday
      1. Origami Techniques
      2. Your Question My Answer
      3. Quiz
        1. Prize - Winner
      4. Art Competition
      5. Essay on favorite scientist through internet
      6. Simple experiments at home
        1. Fun With Chemistry
    2. Every last 5 mins fun mins
      1. Sharing own experiences pertaining to situations
      2. New and interesting information regarding science
  4. Interactive study
    1. Audio-visual
    2. Maps and Diagram about topics studied
    3. Correlate past topics
      1. Ask If anyone remembers about that
  5. Down-to-earth practical Methods of study
    1. Reports self-made related to topic
      1. About scientists
      2. About flood
      3. About contextual epidemics
    2. Memory Techniques
    3. Mnemonic techniques
    4. Vedic Mathmatics
    5. Mind Map Techniques
  6. Examination techniques
    1. Making students realise their knowledge level - Objective
      1. Assessment every 3 mths
        1. 5 marks per assessment added to final exam
      2. Final Assessmnent 1 mth before final exam.
        1. covers all topics