1. 仕様
    1. Generating a random integer from the range of a to b(with a included)
    2. The unit of it is 100¥
    3. The value of [a] and [b] can be set by the user
  2. 流れ
    1. Ask[Please set the value of "a" and "b"]
    2. the Values of "a" and "b" are input by the user
    3. generate a single random integer number between "a" and "b"
  3. Knowledge needed
    1. About the Random Module
      1. Usage and Method of using this module
    2. Conversion between float and integer
  4. Coding Process
    1. Import and define
      1. Import the module needed and define the variables needed
    2. generate a random floating number with the uniform() function
    3. with the int() function to convert the floating number into an integer