1. current thinking
    1. attraction model
      1. fall in love
    2. Choice model
  2. New model
    1. Get love
      1. negotiate
    2. Keep love
      1. create
      2. craft
      3. cultivae
  3. negotiating love
    1. awareness
      1. You have options
      2. doesn't just happen
      3. influence
      4. other person has choices and options
      5. you both actively involved in the process
    2. process
      1. words
        1. directly
        2. indirect
        3. Start a conversation
          1. not a romantic relationship
      2. Know
      3. like
      4. trust
    3. dynamics
      1. time
        1. digital time
        2. physical time
      2. talk
        1. 3-4 level conversations
          1. Opinion
          2. feelings
          3. needs
      3. togetherness
        1. activities
          1. help
          2. be helped
    4. why?
      1. Is this person good for me?
      2. I am good for this person?
  4. Convincing someone that you are best choice
    1. directly
      1. words
      2. demonstration
    2. indirectly
      1. lobbying