1. Live Aid
    1. momentum builds faster than we can organize it
  2. Power
    1. stranger- must be managed
    2. natural - real source of transformation
      1. Time is right
      2. analyze the underlying conditions
  3. Finding the flow (Csikszentmihalyi
    1. optimal experiences
      1. athletes
      2. musicians
      3. social activists
      4. politicians
      5. business leaders
    2. effortless action that stands out as the best
    3. psychological state
      1. creativity
      2. goals are clear
      3. feedback is immediate
      4. skills are stretched
    4. Two-way flow
      1. innovators influence the context
      2. context is influenced by innovators
    5. self-organization is important to achieve the flow - opposite of dominant visionary leader
      1. bottom-up behavior
      2. leader intensifies and clarifies communication
      3. communication must resonate- or flow will not emerge
    6. Recognize the existing energy and resources
      1. Widen the definition of resources
      2. for flow to occur, we need:
        1. common purpose
        2. feedback mechanism
        3. reasonable skill level
  4. Dagu
    1. listen and share
    2. collectively make sense of what is emerging
    3. can not control patterns
      1. Understand them deeply
      2. work within them
      3. influence them
  5. Henry Mintzberg: crafting strategy
    1. strategies appear like weeds
    2. where people have the capacity to learn
    3. strategies become organizational when they become collective
    4. guide the behavior of the organization
    5. deliberate element: create broad goals or "umbrella strategies"
    6. create "process strategies" -do not determine the content
  6. How To Let It Find You
    1. Watch for the conditions that generate flow and lead to tipping points
    2. Support small success - do not rely on blunt strategy of universal regulation
    3. Set information targets, not just performance targets
    4. Flow can find you if you are in the stream. Learn to observe the currents around you.
    5. Do not just gather information, share it.
    6. You are not alone.