1. Liberalism
    1. Systems
      1. Eu
      2. IMF
      3. World Bank
      4. NATO
      5. UN
    2. Collective Sy
      1. Article 5
      2. All protect all
    3. Dem Peace Theory
      1. Lib dems do not go to war each other
    4. Free Trade Markets
      1. main tenet of Globalisation
  2. Shadow Globalisation
    1. Sex trade
    2. terror
    3. Drugs
    4. Organised Crime
    5. Arms
    6. Money Laundering
    7. People trafficking
    8. Trans National Company
      1. PMC
      2. By product of Liberalisation
      3. Threat to realism / deliver Survival & self help
      4. undermine state
  3. Realism
    1. Self-Help
      1. no-one else relied on
        1. Not Panacea Collective Def as good
    2. Statism
      1. 2 Claims: Pre-eminent actor sovereignty - Ind over territory
        1. Criticism: Flawed from challenges above & below Inability to respond to Global issues
    3. Survival
      1. Primary Obj of all States High Politics ethical code needed
        1. no limits to State action
  4. Introduction
    1. Tell about Liberalism supporting Globalisation
    2. Realism tenets (3 x Ss) protects
    3. Side effects are Shadow Globalisation
  5. Summary
    1. Agree Lib Dem are good
    2. Gloablisation is a necessary by product
    3. Realistic tenets necessary to protect against
    4. Need a mixture of both
    5. Always case until Liberal systems become globally effective - never happen