1. Health
    1. Sports
      1. Running km
        1. Marathon
        2. km
          1. 125
          2. 250
          3. 375
          4. 500
          5. 625
      2. Pushups
        1. times
          1. 1 000
          2. 3 000
          3. 6 000
          4. 9 000
          5. 11 000
        2. One time
          1. 75
      3. cycling
        1. km
          1. 300
          2. 600
          3. 900
          4. 1200
          5. 1500
        2. to Sigulda
          1. 120 km
      4. swimming
        1. km
          1. 5
          2. 15
          3. 27
          4. 40
          5. 55
        2. 1 km < 20 min
    2. Sleep
      1. 7
        1. 14
          1. 21
          2. 28
          3. 35
      2. details
        1. Wake up
          1. 35 days
          2. 7 AM
          3. no excuses
        2. Start
          1. 9/01
    3. Diet
      1. 7
        1. 14
          1. 21
          2. 28
          3. 35
      2. details
        1. Exclude
          1. 35 days
          2. Cola
          3. Alcohol
          4. Sweets
        2. Start
          1. 16/01
  2. Social
    1. Parties
      1. 1
        1. 2
          1. 3
          2. 4
          3. 5
          4. 6
      2. details
        1. organize
        2. parties
        3. inside or outside
    2. facebook
      1. 180
        1. 190
          1. 200
          2. 210
          3. 220
      2. details
        1. New friends
        2. Who I know in real life
        3. Do not invite by my own
          1. with exceptions
    3. BD
      1. Big party
        1. People
          1. +20
  3. Work
    1. SWIFT
      1. system upgrade
    2. 3D
      1. LT project
    3. Increase workload
      1. ???
  4. Learning
    1. University
      1. Masters work
        1. 20
          1. 40
          2. 60
          3. 80
          4. 100
    2. Online lectures
      1. 1
        1. 2
          1. 3
          2. 4
          3. 5
      2. details
        1. Watch
          1. online
        2. one lecture
          1. > 10 hours
        3. Create a mind map
    3. Language
      1. ???
    4. New skill
      1. 1
        1. 2
          1. 3
          2. 4
          3. 5
      2. Details
        1. Something totally new
        2. Like
          1. rope walk
          2. diving
          3. dancing
          4. drawing
          5. photography
          6. acting
          7. screen writing
        3. Evaluate the result
    5. Driving
      1. km
        1. 100
          1. 200
          2. 300
          3. 400
          4. 500
      2. Details
        1. Get experience
        2. Drive > 500 km
        3. Take cars from friends
  5. Interests
    1. Making video
        1. 1 300
          1. 1 600
          2. 1 900
          3. 2 100
          4. 2 500
        2. details
          1. youtube
          2. total views
          3. anbodi channel
      2. new
        1. 3
          1. 6
          2. 9
          3. 12
          4. 15
    2. Reading
      1. # of books
        1. 5
          1. 10
          2. 15
          3. 20
          4. 25
      2. details
        1. 1/01
          1. 131
    3. Travelling
      1. Countries
        1. 1
          1. 2
          2. 3
          3. 4
          4. 5
        2. details
          1. exclude
          2. Estnonia & Lithuania
    4. Hiking
      1. 1
        1. 2
          1. 3
          2. 4
          3. 5
      2. details
        1. By
          1. foot
          2. cycling
          3. boat
        2. short
          1. 1-2 days
          2. in
          3. local countries
    5. mind maps
      1. 5
        1. 10
          1. 15
          2. 20
          3. 25
      2. details
        1. online
          1. biggerplate
          2. xmind
    6. Cooking
      1. New recepies
        1. 2
          1. 4
          2. 6
          3. 8
          4. 10
        2. Details
          1. cook
          2. for friends
          3. add to
          4. evernote
  6. Finance
    1. Savings
      1. 200
        1. 400
          1. 600
          2. 800
          3. 1000
    2. Additional Income
      1. 30
        1. 60
          1. 90
          2. 120
          3. 150