1. Happenings
    1. Discovery of agents of many diseases
    2. Role of immunity in the prevention and cure diseases
    3. Studies on chemical activities of Microorganisms
    4. Improved techniques for performing microscopy and culturing microorganisms
    5. Developed vaccines and surgical techniques
  2. Highlights
    1. Fermentation and Pasturization
      1. Pasture was requested to find out
        1. why wine and beer soured
        2. How to prevent food spoilage
      2. Findings
        1. Soured because yeast convert the sugars to alcohol in the absence of air. But in presence of air bacteria changed alcohol to vinegar (acetic acid) - FERMENATION
        2. Leads to the establishment of the relationship between disease and microbes
        3. To overcome spoilage: Heat the beer and wine just enough to kill most bacteria - PASTEURIZATION
      3. Pasturization
        1. Used till today
        2. is the process of heating to a specific temperature for a predefined length of time and then immediately cooling it after it is removed from the heat
        3. The process slows spoilage caused by microbial growth in the food
    2. The Germ theory of disease
      1. First proven by Robert Koch in 1876 ( The winner of 1905 Nobel prize in Medicine)
      2. Discovered Bacillus anthracis in blood of cattle that died of anthrax - cultured the Bacteria - Inject into Healthy animals - animals sick and died - re isolate the bacteria- same with the inoculated ones
      3. Establishment of Koch's Postulates
        1. 1.The same Pathogene must be present in every case of disease
        2. 2.The Pathogen must be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture
        3. 3. The pathogene from the pure culture must cause the disease when inoculated into healthy laboratory animals
        4. 4. The pathogene must be isolated from the inoculated animal and must be shown to be the original organism
      4. Exceptions to Koch's Postulates
        1. 1. Some Micro organisms could not be cultured in artificial media - need to use another means such as tissue cells
        2. 2.Diseases caused by different species of Microorganisms could elicit similar symptoms
        3. 3.Some Pathogenes can cause several disease conditions
    3. Vaccination
      1. Established 70 years before Koch's discovery of anthrax
      2. Developed without knowing how it works by Edward Jenner (Father of Immunology)
      3. Jenner found that injections with cowpox protected agains smallpox. His method of immunization via vaccination ushered in the new science of immunology
      4. Jenner's Experiment
        1. Scrapings from cowpox blisters innoculated into healthy volunteer
        2. Volunteer became midly sick and recovered
        3. never contracted either cowpox or small pox again
        4. Vaccine for Small pox was developed!
        5. Theory confirmed by Pasture after 80 years using Bacteria that causes Fowl cholera