1. Goals (Initial)
    1. Initial Visions:
      1. Food production, mid-scale (20-50% of annual needs) Nutrition and improved diet for healthy and happy minds, bodies, souls Addiction shift (from drugs/negative abuses to positive, empowering uses) Social engagement and well-being, community building and strengthening, cross-generational, cultural, socio-economic, location, education..... intercultural, intergenerational.... Exercise and physical activity for improved body mind spirit, decreased health problems and therefore hospital/doctor visits / healthcare needs Empowerment and self-love, gratitude, satisfaction, energy and love Education: about gardening, nutrition, health, nature, ecology, community, business for students, community members, veterans, ex-convicts, refugees, "lost-souls", elders, disabled, children....... Ecological benefits (carbon sequestration, water health, soil health, better understanding of natural processes and importance of caring for the earth, understanding our place and role as natural beings...) Neighborhood revitalization through opportunities and psycho-social pressures Horticultural therapy for veterans, ex-convicts, refugees, grieving, sick, disabled, economically disadvantaged, depressed, ............. Art and creation of beauty, music, visual stimulation, thought-provocation, expression, movement Job training through vocational programs, volunteer work, business opportunities, etc surrounding community organization, gardening, food forestry, ecology, business, nutrition.... Income generation for full time/part time staff to organize plots, events, manage tools, etc.; business opportunity for veterans, ex-convicts, low--mid-income families, students...
  2. Survey *A*
    1. Observe site
    2. Observe Franklin Residents, query
    3. Actual survey placed strategically around town
    4. Speak to potential boundary partners
    5. Research community gardens, specifically urban-rural, low-mid income, ex-convict, veteran, refugee, diasbled, and rehabilitation gardens.
    6. Research programs and more boundary partners
  3. Analysis/Assessment *A*
    1. Basemapping
    2. 7+Layers
      1. Water, Landform, Microclimate (1); Soil, Vegetation, Wildlife (1); Aesthetics and Viewshed (1); Access and Circulation (1); Buildings and Infrastructure (zoomed out, different scale?) (1); Climate (supporting document) (1); Legal, Zoning, Regulations (supporting document) (1); SWOT
    3. SWOT chart
    4. Full A&A
    5. Analysis of support, initial feedback from community members, etc.
    6. Assessment with Todd, Timmy, Jon, Maggie, Amy, Steve, Sean....
  4. Design *A*
    1. Simple, 2-5 year plan
    2. Semi-permanent 10 year plan
    3. Permanent 50+ year plan
    4. 3+ elevations
    5. 3+patches
    6. Site needs for each design (soil, materials, irrigation...)
    7. Sample of programs
    8. Business opportunities (basic ideas, maybe with supporting evidence ie camping, CSA, student-run plots...)
    9. Possible community events
    10. Other opportunities (ie ex-convict readaption, reskilling, education...)
    11. Sample of land access types (lease to own, purchase, donate, etc.)
    12. Propsosal includes:
      1. Mission statement
      2. Project Summary
      3. Objectives
      4. Designs x3
      5. Timelines x3
      6. Irrigation options
      7. Sample of rules/regs for garden, and contract
      8. Subtopic 11
      9. Boundary partners list
      10. Options for the land (lease, etc.)
      11. Additional resources (veteran programs, possible events, business opportunities etc.)
    13. If he doesn't accept...Create OP using what I've already created with options for other areas in Franklin for site. Move to Reflect, Pause, Celebrate
  5. Goals (Revisited)
    1. SMART goals
  6. Survey *B*
    1. Continue to observe site
    2. Continue to observe Franklin Residents, query
    3. Continue communication with boundary partners
    4. Research more programs, boundary partners, business possibilities, etc.
  7. Analysis/Assessment *B*
    1. Update SWOT and anything on full A&A
    2. Analysis of support, initial feedback from community members, boundary partners...
    3. Assessment of Alan's needs, wants, dislikes...
    4. PNI evaluation
    5. Evaluation of initial presentation/meeting
  8. Design *B*
    1. Budget (soil, materials, irrigation, tools, labor...)
    2. Programs
    3. Business
    4. Community Events
    5. Land access finalize, sign, legalize
    6. Final design (plan, elevations, patches)
  9. Implementation
    1. Create Garden Committee
    2. Research and apply for grants
    3. Gantt Chart
  10. Maintain/Evaluate/Tweak