Pt demographics
- Name
- gender
- Date of Birth
Contact information
- h,o,c phone/e-mail address/pager
- Emergency contact
- Insurance information
- Picture
- Primary caregiver
- Encounter date and time
Chief complaint
- Free text
History of present illness
- symptom (pain)/location/character/severity/duration/worsening factors/improving factors/associated features/
- Free text
Past medical/surgical/family/social history
Hx of kidney stones
- Urate stones
- Hx of renal insufficiency
- Free text
- Review of systems
- Medications
- Allergies
- vital signs
General physical exam
- Gen/heent/neck/chest (pulmonary)/heart (cardiac)/abdomen (gastrointestinal)/extremities/skin/genitourinary/neurological/endocrine/vascular
Musculoskeletal exam
- Hand (dip/pip/ip/mcp)/wrist/elbow/shoulder/hip/knee/ankle/foot (tmt/mtp/pip/dip/ip)/spine (cervical spine/thoracic spine/lumber)
- Homunculus
- Bursae
- Swollen/tender joint count
- Tophus (yes/no/location)
Disease activity measure
- Rapid 3/das/haq/sf-36/other
Lab data
- Cbc
- Creatinine
- creatinine clearance
- Hepatic function panel
- Serum uric acid
- 24 hour urine urate
- x-ray/ct/mri/ultrasound/ivp
- Joint/tendon sheath/nodule aspiration
- Joint/tendon sheath/nodule injection
- Crystal analysis
Impression/ICD 9 or 10 code
- Free text
- Medications/formularies
- Lab orders
- imaging orders
- Joint/tendon sheath/nodule aspiration
- Joint/tendon sheath/nodule injection
- Crystal analysis
- referrals
- Free text
Quality Measures
- 1-4
Performance Improvement Module
- 1-7
- yes/no