1. Pt demographics
    1. Name
    2. gender
    3. Date of Birth
    4. Contact information
      1. h,o,c phone/e-mail address/pager
    5. Emergency contact
    6. Insurance information
    7. Picture
  2. Primary caregiver
  3. Encounter date and time
  4. Chief complaint
    1. Free text
  5. History of present illness
    1. symptom (pain)/location/character/severity/duration/worsening factors/improving factors/associated features/
    2. Free text
  6. Past medical/surgical/family/social history
    1. Hx of kidney stones
      1. Urate stones
    2. Hx of renal insufficiency
    3. Free text
  7. Review of systems
  8. Medications
  9. Allergies
  10. vital signs
  11. General physical exam
    1. Gen/heent/neck/chest (pulmonary)/heart (cardiac)/abdomen (gastrointestinal)/extremities/skin/genitourinary/neurological/endocrine/vascular
  12. Musculoskeletal exam
    1. Hand (dip/pip/ip/mcp)/wrist/elbow/shoulder/hip/knee/ankle/foot (tmt/mtp/pip/dip/ip)/spine (cervical spine/thoracic spine/lumber)
    2. Homunculus
    3. Bursae
    4. Swollen/tender joint count
    5. Tophus (yes/no/location)
  13. Disease activity measure
    1. Rapid 3/das/haq/sf-36/other
  14. Lab data
    1. Cbc
    2. Creatinine
    3. GFR
    4. creatinine clearance
    5. Hepatic function panel
    6. Serum uric acid
    7. 24 hour urine urate
  15. Imaging
    1. x-ray/ct/mri/ultrasound/ivp
  16. Procedures
    1. Joint/tendon sheath/nodule aspiration
    2. Joint/tendon sheath/nodule injection
    3. Crystal analysis
  17. Impression/ICD 9 or 10 code
    1. Free text
  18. Plan
    1. Medications/formularies
    2. Lab orders
    3. imaging orders
    4. Procedures
      1. Joint/tendon sheath/nodule aspiration
      2. Joint/tendon sheath/nodule injection
      3. Crystal analysis
    5. referrals
    6. Free text
  19. Quality Measures
    1. 1-4
  20. Performance Improvement Module
    1. 1-7
  21. Registry
    1. yes/no