1. definition of strat.
    1. integrated and coherent use of power resources to attain desired objectives balancing ways, ends, means
      1. strat. involeved both w/ strengthening yourself that can be not only building military forces are going to be things like building concensus on strat. communication education, etc. as well as implementing or using power resources in the world
    2. two dimentions
      1. horizontal dimension integrates efforts across organizations and across the elements of power
      2. the vertical plans for the mid-and-long term future
    3. two components
      1. augmenting one's own strength
      2. deterring weakening thwarting or defeating opponents
  2. Grand strat. = National Security
    1. components
      1. requires identifying the strategic objectives
      2. defining appropriate world wide role
      3. defining and characterizing opponents or threats: have to understand their motivation their strength and weakness they're likely actions
      4. entails identifying preferred acceptable methods
      5. indefying appropriate level of mobilization
    2. internal/external influences
      1. is determined both by internal and external things, sometimes we focused so much on the external things that what the adversaries doing/what the potential ... but we overlook how important the internal dimensions: every nation has strategic culture that defines how it makes strategic decision, how it defines its priorities and preferences
      2. for example, American political strategical culture is one that tremendously emphasis on person freedom over some other value that influences on the grand strategy.
    3. shifting characteristic
      1. back by strong consensus or weak consensus