1. Main Subjects/Concepts
    1. Influence of individual beliefs on decision making
    2. Role conflict
  2. Thesis
    1. Recognizing & Managing Stress; Going Beyond Your Point of Reference
    2. Brainstorming
      1. A better understanding of how things they see as normal or don't even notice might effect GLBT subordinates or peers.
      2. They don't see what GLBT people go through, it isn't visible
      3. Stress can effect performance - recognition of home life
      4. If you only focus on the outcome, you don't recognize what your employees are going through
      5. Know your employees - what this means
    3. Intro Paragraph
      1. Stress is a major influence in almost every aspect of management, both in managing people & groups (and yourself)
      2. Managing sress effectively is key to being an effective leader
      3. Managing stress in others that is caused by something you don't understand can be very challenging.
  3. Stress
    1. Three factors
      1. Importance
        1. significance of the event
          1. How significant is inability to casually mention family relationships?
      2. Uncertainty
        1. lack of clarity about what will happen
        2. not knowing places more demands on people than knowing
      3. Duration
        1. long duration = Chronic Stress
    2. Stressors
      1. Individual
        1. Role conflict
          1. Expectations of gay employees to keep their personal lives invisible often put them in conflicting roles & in conflict with their character ethics.
          2. “My wife and I saw a good movie last night.”
        2. Harassment
          1. Perception of words
          2. TOLERANCE
          3. SEXUAL PREFERENCE (not just about sex)
          4. "sex" has no place in the workplace
      2. Group
        1. Managerial behavior (effectiveness)
      3. Organizational
        1. Culture
          1. Example: heavily conservative
        2. Politics
      4. Nonwork
        1. Quality of life
          1. Example: military; support for spouses
        2. Work & non-work roles interfere w/ one another
    3. Methods/Reaction
      1. Cognitive Appraisal; using own perception
        1. What if the person has no personal foundation in the subject?
        2. may lead to judgements about the situation that are grossly misleading
          1. honesty
          2. honor
          3. integrity
    4. Outcomes
      1. Depression
        1. Overall Effects
          1. Costs $44 billion/year to treat
          2. 7nth most common cause of death in adults
        2. GLBT
          1. rate of suicide attempts are roughly 3 x higher
          2. 50% more likely to suffer from depression & substance abuse
    5. Stress moderators
      1. Social support
        1. Types
          1. Emotional
          2. expressing concern (your needs are important)
          3. Appraisal
          4. Affirmation
          5. Informational
          6. Providing direction (general lack of information/direction/role modeling)
          7. Example: Can't go to HR for advice
        2. Social support within the organization
        3. Social support outside of work (politics)
        4. Quality & Quantity
    6. Prevention and Management
      1. The effective manager
        1. recognizes the symptoms
        2. Looks beyond them for underlying causes
        3. Corrects the underlying cause
      2. What happens when they:
        1. Can't do that? (i.e. military)
        2. Won't do that? (personal belief)
        3. Don't know how to do it? (no personal frame of reference/misunderstanding the issues)
      3. Developing Social Support
        1. Set an example by being a source of support
        2. Encourage open communication
          1. If allowable (non-military) encourage GLBT employees to "relax"
          2. (legal limitation on being an effective leader)
        3. Provide timely feedback in an ecouraging, non-threatening manner
        4. Provide mentoring
        5. Work to maintain and increase group cohesion
          1. Factors of group cohesion
          2. Norms
          3. Norm Conformity
          4. Cohesiveness
          5. Groupthink
      4. Person-environment fit
        1. If you can't change the people, can you change the environment? (DADT)
        2. Is this in conflict with anti-discrimination laws?
        3. If you change the environment - there will still be lingering effects
          1. GLBT people still afraid/unwilling to be "out"
          2. Individuals in the organization w/ strong personal opinions
  4. Supporting Statements
    1. Tolerance is not enough (what is?)
      1. How this can be heard by a GLBT person
    2. This is NOT about sex
      1. "sex" has no place in the workplace; a straight person talking about their spouse does not start people thinkiing about sex.
  5. Supporting Research
    1. Personal Experiences
    2. Studies
      1. List them here
    3. Resources
      1. NARTH: New Studies Suggest Higher Level of Pathology
  6. Short Outline
    1. Intro
    2. Introduction of concepts
      1. Factors of Stress
      2. Stressors
      3. Outcomes
      4. Stress Moderators (Most important: social support)
    3. Introduction of GLBT concepts
      1. How each of the above relates differently to GLBT employees
    4. Prevention & Management as it relates to GLBT