- Working teams provide a chance for employees to interact
Team types
- Cross functional
- Top Management
- Employee Empowerment
- Self-Directed
Barriers to team effectiveness
- Dominating Team Members
- Poor Performance of members
- Poorly Managed Team Conflict
- Not knowing where to begin
What is the difference between teams and groups?
Teams have smaller numbers of people
Teams are task oriented
- Take collaborative action for same shared goal
Three major classes of team tasks- Production Tasks, Idea generation, Problem solving
- Three types of interdependence- Pooled, sequential, reciprocal
- Designing a team- team size is important
- Team norms and contracts- Code of Conduct
A group is a collection of individuals
- Working in a group is key skill
Indicators of Team excellence
- Interdependancy
- Diversity
- Respect
- Trust
Social Glue
- Constant group praise, group rituals, similarities, satisfaction
- Shared goals
Possiblity of too much cohesivness
- Less diversity
- Guarded from outside opinions
Group think
- Not speaking up, no individualty
Team Roles
- Parker Roles
- Belbin Roles
The Punctuated Equlibrium Model
- Changes occur rapidly in a group
- Period of stability
Group Structure theories
Two Types of Groups
- Formal and Informal
Smith's (1966) Theory
- Tasks and interpersonal dimensions play a substantial role
Paradigm of unconcious forces inherent in group structure
Tuckmans Model
Four life Group Stages
- 1) Forming
- Beginning stage
- 2)Storming
- Disagreements or Arguments occur
- Don't get stuck in this phase- create group inclusivity as a leader
- 4)Norming
- Stage comfortablility
- 5)Peforming
- Status quo stage
- 6) Adjourning
- Groups split up