1. Working teams provide a chance for employees to interact
  2. Team types
    1. Topic
      1. Cross functional
      2. Top Management
      3. Self-managed
        1. Employee Empowerment
      4. Self-Directed
  3. Barriers to team effectiveness
    1. Dominating Team Members
    2. Poor Performance of members
    3. Poorly Managed Team Conflict
    4. Not knowing where to begin
  4. What is the difference between teams and groups?
    1. Teams have smaller numbers of people
      1. Teams are task oriented
        1. Take collaborative action for same shared goal
      2. Three major classes of team tasks- Production Tasks, Idea generation, Problem solving
        1. Three types of interdependence- Pooled, sequential, reciprocal
      3. Designing a team- team size is important
      4. Team norms and contracts- Code of Conduct
    2. A group is a collection of individuals
      1. Working in a group is key skill
  5. Indicators of Team excellence
    1. Interdependancy
    2. Diversity
    3. Respect
    4. Trust
    5. Cohesiveness
      1. Social Glue
        1. Constant group praise, group rituals, similarities, satisfaction
        2. Shared goals
      2. Possiblity of too much cohesivness
        1. Less diversity
        2. Guarded from outside opinions
        3. Group think
          1. Not speaking up, no individualty
  6. Team Roles
    1. Parker Roles
    2. Belbin Roles
  7. The Punctuated Equlibrium Model
    1. Changes occur rapidly in a group
    2. Period of stability
  8. Group Structure theories
    1. Two Types of Groups
      1. Formal and Informal
    2. Smith's (1966) Theory
      1. Tasks and interpersonal dimensions play a substantial role
    3. Paradigm of unconcious forces inherent in group structure
      1. Tuckmans Model
        1. Four life Group Stages
          1. 1) Forming
          2. Beginning stage
          3. 2)Storming
          4. Disagreements or Arguments occur
          5. Don't get stuck in this phase- create group inclusivity as a leader
          6. 4)Norming
          7. Stage comfortablility
          8. 5)Peforming
          9. Status quo stage
          10. 6) Adjourning
          11. Groups split up