Six Level Model
- Next Actions
- Projects
- Health
- Finance
- Interview Training
- ECE 585
- ECE 510
- ECE 507
- Daily Vanguard
- TA
- RA
- GA
- Internship
- On campus job
- Thesis Advisor
- TA
- RA
- Internship
- Intel
- H1B
- Green Card
- Moonlighting
- Startup
- Pursuit of Happiness
- Conscience
13 Principles
- Desire
- Faith
- Autosuggestion
- Specialized knowledge
- Imagination
- Organized Planning
- Decision
- Persistence
- Master Mind
- Transmutation
- Subconscious mind
- Brain
- Sixth Sense
Next Actions
- Reply Nathalie Headin Rudyard Kipling Editor overruled
- Reply Karen, Adam and Michel
- Email Greg abour Rick
- Amy Jolstead
- Write Karmic Koala CD
- Pay 45 $
- Seattle Pics
- Dropbox/ISE problem Reinstall Win 7
- Change tortoise and att password
- Lookout for internships
- Pay ATT Bill
- Remind Gogul to return Simulation Gasp
- Paychech
- Email CampusRec
- Check Win 7 shipping
- PM vola
- Sign up on intel monitor regularly
- Email resume Alex Cope
- Get back container from West Hall and 705
- Make cover letter and resume and email it to joy for review
- Look forward
- Ask Mrugesh about remote access
- Stay in touch with chunming
- Tell mummy to send calc batteries
- ask rohan/kunal for pics and video of dinner
- listen to internship hunt
- Blog about GTD
- Blog about intel MODFET story
- CAll Makarand and ask him about his story
- Upload camera pics on picasa
- Backup in Shubham's drive
- Try harry lorraine method again
ECE 585
- Use Arjun Method
- Document all lectures
- Final Project
- Finals
- Borrow Term Papers
- Term Paper
- Print
- EMail Greg about Rick Coulson
- Homework 5
ECE 510
- Use Arjun Method
- Lab 3 deliverables
- Tetris
- Document/record lectures
- Print
- Finals
ECE 507
- Use Arjun Method
- Do background search on Gasp
- Read his stuff
- Ask for grading scheme
- Get back on simulation
- Prepare for quiz
- Get week 6 handout
- Read papers
- Asl Dan if he is still taking a seminar next term
- Ask about the tutorial
- Ask John about Dan's tutorial
- Get Mark's Recommendation
- Email Roy the Form
- Get Hall's recommendation
- EMail Dan asking for recommendation
- Fill TA Form
- Impress Dan
- Stay in touch with Karen
- Daily Vanguard
Downtown Value Inn
- Ask Dave when free
- Collect pay from Ganesh
- mouse
- digital voice recorder
- shoes
- shoe-rack
- white-board
- extender
- monitor
- Research the company
- Read the publications of the particular group
- Give a presentation if possible
- A video if possible
- Learn before hand who sits on the panel
- Use requisition number
- Problem solving skills are important
- Innovator's Dilemma
- Only the paranoid survive
- Emotional Intelligence
- The five dysfunctions of a team
- What every CEO wants to know
- try gvim, emacs
- master svn
- Goto submit transcripts and marksheets next week
- Ask Lindaris if I can sit in his Neural class
- Ask CS if I can sit in his OS class
- Ask Caravan if I can sit in 510 class
- Shubham final degree certificate
- register samsung cell phone after end of contract
- Check wells fargo for internship
- Remind Karen about international student profile
- Internships only in the portland metropolitan area
- Come back to HR every calendar year
- Come back to HR after SSN
- Get Wells Fargo college Credit card after SSN
- Check Wells Fargo for internship
- Keep in touch with ICSP
- Apply for ISRS next year
- Fill GO-20 form in office of graduate studies in the term you wish to graduate
- remind kaka about jacuzzi
- email Maggie norvell@pdx.edu
- Ask for last year's feeds
New approach
- Pre-preparation through slides, videos, xmind setups, homeworks, labs
- document lectures in xmind, record if necessary
- be thorough
Waiting For
- DIC lectures
Prateen, Yashwanth
Ajay, Mrugesh
- High performance
- Run, Recite, Call
- Recite, Pushup, Call