ECE 503
defer till summer
Understand HTM
- Learn MATLAB
- refer Mazad's code
- Tell Dr. Dan about Adv. Comp Arch project
- ECE 583
- ECE 587
- hand out links to potential people
- Daily Vanguard
- Campus Rec
- Downtown Value Inn
Next Actions
- Check Insurance fee
- safeway ear swabs
- Hindi movies for Kaku
- Tell Tae about coffee house on Friday
- Vote
- Live CD
- Email David about other ops
- Airtel Call Home Mharo Plan
Waiting For
- Reference from Siddharth
- Pen drive from Ganesh
Amazon shipments
- Frank
- Me
- Research the company
- Read the publications of the particular group
- Give a presentation if possible
- A video if possible
- Learn before hand who sits on the panel
- Use requisition number
- Problem solving skills are important
Reading list
- Innovator's Dilemma
- Only the paranoid survive
- Emotional Intelligence BF561
- The five dysfunctions of a team
- What every CEO wants to know
- Making it all work
- Star Wars
- BBC Book list
How to read
- Title, preface
- index, table of contents
- what publisher has to say
- pivotal chapters
- read interesting stuff
- what is the book/paper about as a whole?
- what is being said in detail & how?
- is it true?
- why is it important to me?
- mark while you read
- drag the marker for consistent speed
New approach
- Look forward
- Pre-preparation through videos, slides, homeworks, labs
- document lectures in pdf
- go through that day itself or the next day
- be thorough
- early, late
- attentive
- regular routine like a marathon
Learning algo
quick and well enough
- NOW!
concentrated effort
- wise selection of resources
Normal Life
- Sleep
- Food
20K per week
- 10K
- 21K
50 pushups
- 100 pushups
- Chords
- Sports
Six Level Model
- Next Actions
- Projects
- Health
- Finance
- ECE 587
- ECE 583
- Thesis
- Daily Vanguard
- Campus Rec
- TA
- RA
- GA
- Internship
- TA
- RA
- GA
- Internship
- Serveron
- Intel
- H1B
- Family
- Love Life
- Startup
- Financial Independence
- Green Card or Permanent resident, Natioal medal of tech and innov?
- Musings: Run a marathon, be a proficient guitarist, write a book, win a nobel prize/national medal of technology, give a ted talk
- Pursuit of Happiness
- Conscience
Call List
- Home x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
- Chaitanya
- Deshmukh Sir x
- Dr. Tamaskar x
- Firoz
- Jerrin x
- Mariya Mam
- Moin x
- Pradip Sir x
- Pranay x
- Priyanka
- Arjun sir
- Rugved x
- Sadasivam Sir
- Sachin
- Kaustubh
- Lata Maushi
- Aaji Aajoba
13 secrets Napolean Hill
- desire must be specific
- not want but fervent passionate burning all consuming
- give up comfort and security for greater reward
- get past the fear of failure
- Give feeling to desire, emotionalize it
our beliefs are important, you have to believe that success is your birth right
- claim it to be yours
- autosuggestion and repeated affirmations
have the dont care condition
- if..else..
Make plans and moves towards it like dual monitor setups
- Think like you already above
- repeated affirmations
- before bed and after wake
Specialized Knowledge
- Self explanatory
- Apply the knowledge
- EQ is the ability to apply whatever IQ you have
- what you hold as a image in your mind shows up in your life
- Synthetic vs Creative imagination
- what you expect, imagine, visualize in your internal world gets produced in the external world
Organized Planning
- Every noteworthy achievement comes about because there was a plan
- Reach them early and change them slowly
- No procrastination
- long attention span plus determination
The Power of the Master Mind
- Specialized knowledge from like minded individuals
- super successful people talk about their ideals and visions
- Transmutation
Subconscious Mind
- It exerts control over our thoughts and beliefs
- can be controlled by conscious mind
- Meditation techniques
- Brain
- Sixth Sense
Closing thoughts
- banish fear
- (10-6)(8-10)
- Bugged: Guitar,Write,Read,Listen,News,Sports
- Navear, Backup, Laundry every alternate,bathroom/vacuum
Advisor tips
- meet twice a week
- go with a list of topics to be discussed
- show results as soon as possible
- write things down
- when is our next meeting
- whats my goal to have done by the next meeting
Time management tips
use the quadrant
- do the ugliest thing first
- learn the cost of opportunity
- maintain a time log
Zen Habit
- Do Less
- Be Present
- Disconnect
- Focus on People
- Appreciate nature
- Eat slower
- Walk slower
- Find pleasure in anything
- Single-task
- Breathe
Meet priyanka before her internship
- meet her in June 7's week
- Greg's kids in the jacuzzi
- clear files
- read BBC's book list
- asynchronous HTM
- If you like HTM consider doing a PHD
- Public speaking
- Explore Business Education Compact
- register samsung cell phone after end of contract
- Fill GO-20 form in office of graduate studies in the term you wish to graduate
- remind kaka about jacuzzi
- Apply for ISRS next year
- consider arc/asp after c/asp
apply for drivers license
learn driving
- zip car
learn latex
- try lyx
- learn swimming
- understand calculus and transistors
- Do Roy's atomic clock
- use this11.com for soccer previews
- get a bicycle
go to the beach again
- powell's, zoo
suggest bbt with the stwsttlotr refrences
- movie link sw
- watch workd cup on espn3
- audit again in july
- get movies on dvd for kaku