- Fewer complications were noted for two-tendon repairs
- zone 5 =flexor Mu. insertion to carpal tunnel
- zone 4 is the carpal tunnel and its contents.
- Zone 3 from the distal edge of the carpal ligament to the proximal edge of the A1 pulley.
zone 2, or “no man's land.: start from proximal aspect of the A1 pulley to FDS insertion,The distal palmar crease superficially marks the termination of zone 3 and the beginning of zone 2.
areas of zone 2- defined by the position of the distal tendon stump with the finger in the resting position
- A=under the A4
- B=under the C1
C= under A2
- Tang recommends repair of one tendon repair of FDP with excision of the FDS , due to high rate of adhesions in this area if both the FDS and FDP were repaired
- D=under A1
- Zone 1 is distal to the insertion of the FDS tendon. A laceration in zone 1, by definition, injures only the tendon of the FDP
- Main Topic 6