Associations of social stressors and environmental characteristics with positive psychotic symptoms
Social stressors
- Life events (divorce, lose of a loved one e.t.c)
- Social isolation or loneliness
- Discrimination and stigmatization
- Childhood trauma
Environmental characteristics
- Urbanicity (urban vs. rural residence)
- Residential instability
- Exposure to environmental toxins or pollutants
- Access to health facility
- Migration and acculturation
Outcome variable (psychosis symptoms)
- Hallucinations (auditory, visual, tactile)
- Delusions (persecutory, grandiose, bizarre)
- Disorganized thinking or speech
- Thought disorder
Meta-analysis on prevalence, risk factors and treatment outcomes related to depression and anxiety in the African population
Prevalence rates
- age groups
- gender
- urban/rural
Risk factors
- socioeconomic status
- marital status
- chronic illness
- education level
Treatment outcome
- remission rates
- relapse rates
- changes in severity of symptoms
- Literature search
- Inclusion criteria
- Data extraction
Quality assessment
- use established assessment tools (e.g., Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for observational studies).
- Also consider factors like study design, sample representativeness, data collection methods, and statistical rigor
Data synthesis
- use of appropriate meta-analytic techniques (random-effects models) to account for heterogeneity across studies.
- Subgroup analysis
- Publication bias assessment
- Interpretation of findings
- Reporting
Assess availability, accessibility and quality of mental health data in the African setting: Focus on Psychosis, Depression and Anxiety
Data source type
- Hospital record
- Academic research
- Routine surveys
Data Quality
- Validity
- Reliability
Time frame
- Studies published within the last two decades
- Studies with relevant data collected during a specified time period
Data Availability
- Data sharing/access
Data Completeness
- % of missing data /incomplete
Type of study
- Peer-reviewed research articles
- Epidemiological studies
- Longitudinal studies
- Cross-sectional studies
- Case-control studies
- Cohort studies
Geographical focus
- African setting
Study Populations
- Individuals of all ages
- Inclusion of diverse demographic groups
Outcome measures
- positive Depression, Anxiety , Psychotic symptoms
- published in English or with available translations
- Search terms
Develop and Implement a harmonization framework that standadizes and integrates diverse mental health datasets collected from various sources across African Countries
- creating a unified and interoperable data structure for cross-comparisons and in-depth analyses