1. Genealogies of Jesus Christ
      1. Matthew 1:1-17
      2. Luke 3:23-38
    2. Annunciations
      1. Foretelling of birth of John the Baptist
        1. Luke 1:5-25
      2. Annunciation to Mary by angel
        1. Luke 1:26-38
      3. Annunciation to Joseph by angel
        1. Matthew 1:18-25
      4. Mary's Visit to Elizabeth
        1. Luke 1:39-56
    3. Births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ
      1. Birth of John the Baptist
        1. Luke 1:57-80
      2. Birth of Jesus Christ
        1. Matthew 1:18-25
        2. Luke 2:1-7
      3. Angels and shepherds
        1. Luke 2:8-20
    4. Infancy of Jesus Christ
      1. Circumcision of Jesus Christ
        1. Luke 2:21
      2. Temple presentation
        1. Luke 2:22-39
      3. Wise men from East
        1. Matthew 2:1-12
      4. Egyptian flight with return to Nazereth
        1. Matthew 2:13-23
    5. Christ's life in Nazareth
      1. Nazareth Childhood
        1. Matthew 2:23
        2. Luke 3:39-40
      2. Jerusalem Visit at age twelve
        1. Luke 2:41-50
      3. Eighteen years in Nazereth
        1. Luke 2:51-52
    1. Beginnings of gospel
      1. Ministry of John the Baptist
        1. Matthew 3:1-12
        2. Mark 1:1-8
        3. Luke 3:1-20
      2. Baptism of Jesus Christ
        1. Matthew 3:13-17
        2. Mark 1:9-11
        3. Luke 3:21-23a
      3. Wilderness Temptation
        1. Matthew 4:1-11
        2. Mark 1:12-13
        3. Luke 4:1-13
    2. Beginnings of faith
      1. John the Baptist testifies before priests and Levites
        1. John 1:19-28
      2. Lamb of God announced
        1. John 1:29-34
      3. First three disciples of Christ
        1. John 1:35-42
      4. Philip and Nathanael
        1. John 1:43-51
      5. Water made wine, first miracle
        1. John 2:1-11
      6. Capernaum Sojurn
        1. John 2:12
    1. Beginnings of Christ's work in Jerusalem
      1. First temple cleansing
        1. Matthew 21:12-17
        2. Mark 11:15-18
        3. Luke 19:45-48
        4. John 2:13-22
      2. Conversation with Nicodemus
        1. John 2:23-3:21
    2. Period of preaching and baptizing in Judea
      1. Baptizing in Judea
        1. John 3:22-24
      2. John the Baptist testifies of Christ at Aenon
        1. John 3:25-36
    3. Two days of ministry in Samaria
      1. Departure from Judea
        1. Matthew 4:12
        2. Mark 1:14
        3. John 4:1-3
      2. Conversation with Samarian woman
        1. John 4:4-26
      3. Gospel to Sychar
        1. John 4:27-42
    1. Beginnings of Christ's public work in Galilee
      1. Beginning of Christ's Galilean ministry
        1. Matthew 4:12,13-16,17
        2. Mark 1:14-15
        3. Luke 4:14-15
        4. John 4:43-45
      2. Nobleman's Son
        1. John 4:46-54
      3. First rejection at Nazereth
        1. Matthew 13:54-58
        2. Mark 6:1-6a
        3. Luke 4:16-30
      4. Departure to Capernaum
        1. Matthew 4:13-16
        2. Luke 4:31a
    2. Call of four disciples and first preaching tour
      1. Four disciples called
        1. Matthew 4:18-22
        2. Mark 1:16-20
        3. Luke 5:1-11
      2. Day of miracles at Capernaum
        1. Matthew 8:14-17
        2. Mark 1:21-34
        3. Luke 4:31-41
      3. First preaching tour in Galilee
        1. Matthew 4:23, 8:[1],2-4
        2. Mark 1:35-45
        3. Luke 4:42-44,5:12-16
    3. Growing hostility of the scribes and Pharisees
      1. Paralytic carried by four men
        1. Matthew 9:[1],2-8
        2. Mark 2:1-2
        3. Luke 5:17-26
      2. Matthew called as disciple
        1. Matthew 9:9-13
        2. Mark 2:13-17
        3. Luke 5:27-32
      3. Fasting issue discussed
        1. Matthew 9:14-17
        2. Mark 2:18-22
        3. Luke 5:33-39
      4. Man with infirmity at Bethesda pool
        1. John 5:1-47
      5. Disciples pluck grain
        1. Matthew 12:1-8
        2. Mark 2:23-28
        3. Luke 6:1-5
      6. Man with withered hand
        1. Matthew 12:9-14
        2. Mark 3:1-6
        3. Luke 6:6-11
    1. Organization of the kingdom
      1. Widespread fame of Christ
        1. Matthew 4:23-25,12:15-21
        2. Mark 3:7-12
        3. Luke 6:17-19
      2. Choosing of twelve disciples
        1. Matthew 10:2-4
        2. Mark 3:13-19
        3. Luke 6:12-19
      3. Sermon on the mount
        1. Matthew 5:1-8:1
        2. Luke 6:20-49,[12:22-31],6:37-42,[11:9-13]
    2. Second preaching tour
      1. Centurion's servant
        1. Matthew 8:5-13
        2. Luke 7:1-10
      2. Widow's son raised at Nain
        1. Luke 7:11-17
      3. Last message of John the Baptist
        1. Matthew 11:2-30
        2. Luke 7:18-35,[10:12-15,21-22]
      4. Jesus annointed at house of Simon the Pharisee
        1. Luke 7:36-50
      5. Companions of Christ on His second preaching tour
        1. Luke 8:1-3
    3. Day of teaching by the sea of Galilee
      1. Warning of the eternal sin
        1. Matthew 12:22-45
        2. Mark 3:20-30
        3. Luke [11:14-23],[6:43-45],[11:29-32],[11:24-26]
      2. Christ's true family
        1. Matthew 12:46-50
        2. Mark 3:31-35
        3. Luke 8:19-21
    4. Day of miracles by the sea of Galilee
      1. Parable by the sea
        1. Matthew 13:1-5
        2. Mark 4:1-3
        3. Luke 8:4-18,[13:18-19]
      2. Tempest stilled
        1. Matthew 8:18,23-27
        2. Mark 4:35-41
        3. Luke 8:22-25
      3. Gaderene demoniacs
        1. Matthew 8:28-34
        2. Mark 5:1-20
        3. Luke 8:26-39
      4. Jairus' daughter raised
        1. Matthew 9:1,9:18-26
        2. Mark 5:21-43
        3. Luke 8:40-56
      5. Two blind men and mute demoniac
        1. Matthew 13:54-58
    5. Third preaching tour
      1. Second rejection at Nazereth
        1. Matthew 13:54-58
        2. Mark 6:1-6a
        3. Luke [4:16-30]
      2. Third preaching tour continued
        1. Matthew 9:35
        2. Mark 6:6b
      3. Mission of Twelve
        1. Matthew 9:36-11:1
        2. Mark 6:7-13,[13:9,11-13]
        3. Luke 9:1-6,[21:12-19],[12:2-9]
      4. Death of John the Baptist
        1. Matthew 14:1-12
        2. Mark 6:14-29
        3. Luke 9:7-9
    6. Crisis at Capernaum
      1. Miracle of five thousand fed
        1. Matthew 14:13-23
        2. Mark 6:30-46
        3. Luke 9:10-17
        4. John 6:1-15
      2. Jesus walks on water
        1. Matthew 14:24-36
        2. Mark 6:47-56
        3. John 6:16-21
      3. Bread of life
        1. John 6:22-71
      4. Eating with unwashed hands
        1. Matthew 15:1-20
        2. Mark 7:1-23
    1. First northern journey for retirement
      1. Trip to Tyre and Sidon / Syrophoenician woman's daughter
        1. Matthew 15:21-28
        2. Mark 7:24-30
      2. Return through Decoplis with many healing miracles
        1. Matthew 15:29-31
        2. Mark 7:31-37
    2. Brief return to the sea of Galilee
      1. Miracle of four thousand fed
        1. Matthew 15:32-38
        2. Mark 8:1-9
      2. Demanding a heavenly sign
        1. Matthew 15:39-16:12
        2. Mark 8:10-21
      3. Blind man near Bethsaida
        1. Mark 8:22-26
    3. Second northern journey for retirement
      1. Peter's confession
        1. Matthew 16:13-20
        2. Mark 8:27-30
        3. Luke 9:18-21
      2. Christ foretells His death and resurrection
        1. Matthew 16:13-20
        2. Mark 8:38-9:1
        3. Luke 9:22-27
      3. Transfiguration
        1. Matthew 17:1-13
        2. Mark 9:2-13
        3. Luke 9:28-36
      4. Demoniac boy
        1. Matthew 17:14-20
        2. Mark 9:14-29
        3. Luke 9:37-43a
      5. Christ foretells His death and resurrection again
        1. Matthew 17:22-23
        2. Mark 9:30-32
        3. Luke 9:43b-45
    4. At Capernaum again
      1. Shekel in fish's mouth
        1. Matthew 17:24-27
        2. Mark 9:33a
      2. Humility and forgiveness
        1. Matthew 18:1-35
        2. Mark 9:33-50
        3. Luke 9:46-50,15:4-7
    5. Autumn visit to Jerusalem
      1. Christ at feast of tabernacles
        1. John 7:1-52
      2. Adulterous woman
        1. John 7:53-8:11
      3. Light of the world
        1. John 8:12-30
      4. Spiritual freedom
        1. John 8:31-59
    1. From departure from Galilee until after feast of dedication
      1. Christ's final departure from Galilee
        1. Matthew 19:1-2,8:[18],19-22
        2. Mark 10:1
        3. Luke 9:51-62
      2. Mission of seventy
        1. Luke 10:1-24
      3. Good Samaritan
        1. Luke 10:25-37
      4. Martha and Mary visited
        1. Luke 10:38-42
      5. Man born blind healed
        1. John 9:1-41
      6. Good Shepherd
        1. John 10:1-21
      7. Christ at feast of dedication
        1. John 10:22-42
    2. From feast of dedication until after withdrawal to Ephraim
      1. Discourse about prayer
        1. Luke 11:1-13
      2. Speech against Pharisees
        1. Matthew [12:22-32,43-45,38-42]
        2. Mark [3:22-30]
        3. Luke 11:14-54
      3. About trusting God and coming judgment
        1. Luke 12:1-59
      4. Galileans slain by Pilate
        1. Luke 13:1-9
      5. Woman healed on sabbath
        1. Luke 13:10-21
      6. Question whether few are saved
        1. Luke 13:22-30
      7. Christ's reply to warning concerning Herod
        1. Luke 13:31-35
      8. Discourse at chief Pharisse's table
        1. Luke 14:1-24
      9. Counting the cost
        1. Luke 14:25-35
      10. Three parables concerning grace
        1. Luke 15:1-32
      11. Parable of warning with case scenerio
        1. Luke 16:1-31
      12. Regarding forgiveness and faith
        1. Luke 17:1-10
      13. Lazarus raised from the dead
        1. John 11:1-46
      14. Withdrawl to Ephraim
        1. John 11:47-54
    3. From withdrawal to Ephraim until final arrival to Jerusalem
      1. Ten lepers cleansed
        1. Luke 17:11-19
      2. Kingdom coming
        1. Luke 17:20-18:1-8
      3. Prayers of Pharisee and publican
        1. Luke 18:9-14
      4. Concerning divorce
        1. Matthew 19:3-12
        2. Mark 10:2-12
      5. Christ blessing little children
        1. Matthew 19:13-15
        2. Mark 10:13-16
        3. Luke 18:15-17
      6. Rich young ruler
        1. Matthew 19:16-20:16
        2. Mark 10:17-31
        3. Luke 18:18-30
      7. Christ fortells His crucifixion
        1. Matthew 20:17-19
        2. Mark 10:32-34
        3. Luke 18:31-34
      8. Ambition of James and John
        1. Matthew 20:20-28
        2. Mark 10:35-45
      9. Blind men near Jericho
        1. Matthew 20:29-34
        2. Mark 10:46-52
        3. Luke 18:35-43
      10. Visit with Zacchaeus
        1. Luke 19:1-10
      11. Parable of pounds
        1. Luke 19:11-28
      12. Anointing of Jesus by Mary of Bethany
        1. Matthew 26:6-13
        2. Mark 14:3-9
        3. John 11:55-12:11
    1. Sunday - day of triumph
      1. Triumphal entry
        1. Matthew 21:1-11
        2. Mark 1:1-11
        3. Luke 19:29-44
        4. John 12:12-19
    2. Monday - day of authority
      1. Fig tree cursed
        1. Matthew 21:18-19,[20-22]
        2. Mark 11:12-14
      2. Second temple cleansing
        1. Matthew 21:12-17
        2. Mark 11:15-19
        3. Luke 19:45-48
        4. John 2:13-22
    3. Tuesday - day of conflict
      1. Fig tree withered
        1. Matthew 21:20-22
        2. Mark 11:20-25
      2. Challenge against authority of Christ
        1. Matthew 21:23-27
        2. Mark 11:27-33
        3. Luke 20:1-8
      3. Three parables of warning
        1. Matthew 21:28-22:14
        2. Mark 12:1-12
        3. Luke 20:9-19,14:15-24
      4. Three questions by Jewish rulers
        1. Matthew 22:15-40
        2. Mark 12:13-34
        3. Luke 20:20-40
      5. Unnswerable question
        1. Matthew 22:41-46
        2. Mark 12:35-37
        3. Luke 20:41-44
      6. Woes against scribes and Pharisees
        1. Matthew 23:1-39
        2. Mark 12:38-40
        3. Luke 20:45-47
      7. Widow's two mites
        1. Mark 12:41-44
        2. Luke 21:1-4
      8. Jesus sought by gentiles
        1. John 12:20-36
      9. Jews reject Christ
        1. John 12:37-50
      10. Foretelling of destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world
        1. Matthew 24:1-26:2
        2. Mark 13:1-37
        3. Luke 21:5-38, 12:42-46
      11. Conspiracy between chief priests and Judas Iscariot
        1. Matthew 26:1-5,26:14-16
        2. Mark 14:1-2,10-11
        3. Luke 22:1-6
    4. Wednesday - nothing recorded
    5. Thursday - last day with disciples
      1. Last supper
        1. Matthew 26:17-30
        2. Mark 14:12-26
        3. Luke 22:7-30
        4. John 13:1-30
      2. Christ's farewell speech
        1. Matthew 26:31-35
        2. Mark 14:27-31
        3. Luke 22:31-38
        4. John 13:31-16:33
      3. Intercessory Prayer
        1. John 17:1-26
    6. Friday - day of suffering
      1. Agony in Gethsemane
        1. Matthew 26:36-46
        2. Mark 14:26,32-42
        3. Luke 22:39-46
        4. John 18:1
      2. Betrayal and arrest
        1. Matthew 26:47-56
        2. Mark 14:43-52
        3. Luke 22:47-53
        4. John 18:1-12
      3. Trial before Jewish authorities
        1. Matthew 26:57-27:10
        2. Mark 14:53-15:1
        3. Luke 22:54-71
        4. John 18:12-27
      4. Trial before Pilate
        1. Matthew 27:2,11-31
        2. Mark 15:1-20
        3. Luke 23:1-25
        4. John 18:28-19:16a
      5. Crucifixion of Christ
        1. Matthew 27:32-56
        2. Mark 15:21-41
        3. Luke 23:26-49
        4. John 19:16b-37
      6. Burial of Christ
        1. Matthew 27:57-61
        2. Mark 15:42-47
        3. Luke 23:50-56
        4. John 19:38-42
    7. Saturday - day in tomb
      1. Sepulchre watch
        1. Matthew 27:62-66
  9. 9. FORTY DAYS
    1. Day of resurrection / Christ's first appearances
      1. Resurrection morning
        1. Matthew 28:1-10
        2. Mark 16:1-11
        3. Luke 23:56-24:12
        4. John 20:1-18
      2. Report of the watch
        1. Matthew 28:11-15
      3. Emmaus walk
        1. Mark 16:12-13
        2. Luke 24:13-35
      4. Christ's appearance to disciples in Jerusalem while Thomas absent
        1. Mark 16:14
        2. Luke 24:36-43
        3. John 20:19-25
    2. Subsequent appearances and ascension
      1. Christ's appearance to Thomas with other disciples
        1. John 20:26-29
      2. Christ's appearance to seven disciples by Sea of Galilee
        1. John 21:1-24
      3. Christ's appearance to eleven disciples on a Galilee mountain
        1. Matthew 28:16-20
        2. Mark 16:15-18
      4. Christ's final appearance and His ascension
        1. Mark 16:19-20
        2. Luke 24:44-53
      5. Conclusion of John's gospel
        1. John 20:30-31, 21:25